STS's Janus-faced Antirealism: Relativism versus Constructivism後者の立場を推し進めれば、「仮説・予測・実験/観測・検証・仮説修正」という科学のループも否定される。
So far I have followed the standard philosophical practice of referring to STS's underlying philosophy as relativism. Another term -- constructivism -- is increasingly used in the same context. However, relativism and constructivism are not the same position. Nevertheless, they are often used interchangeably because they have a common enemy, scientific realism (Leplin 1984), against which much of the STS research agenda has been defined. Below is a definition of scientific realism, along with the distinct challenges that relativism and constructivism pose to it.
Scientific Realism involves two distinct propositions, each of which can be denied separately:
1. A scientific account is universally valid. Therefore, if scientific theory, T, is true, it is true everywhere and always. The denial of this is relativism. It implies that reality may vary across space at any given time.
2. A scientific account is valid independently of what people think and do. Therefore if T is true, it is true even if nobody believes it. The denial of this is constructivism. It implies that, for a given place, reality may change over time.
1. 科学的説明は普遍的に有効である。科学理論Tが真であるなら、それはどこでも常に真である。これの否定は相対主義である。それは、所与の時刻において、空間的にリアリティが違っていることを意味する。
2. 科学的説明は、人々がどう思うかとは無関係に有効であり、機能する。Tは真なら、誰もそれを信じていなくても、真である。これの否定は構成主義である。所与の場所で、リアリティは時間とともに変化するかもしれないことを意味する。---
Leplin J et 1984, Scientific Realism, Berkeley University of California Press.
[Steve Fuller: "The philosophy of science and technology studies", 2006, p.35]
We have no reason to think that relativity is anything but the truth - and a very beautiful, delightful and astonishing truth it is - but it is a truth which came into being as a result of decisions about how we should live our scientific lives, and how we should licence our scientific observations; it was a truth brought about by agreement to agree about new things. It was not a truth forced on us by the inexorable logic of a set of crucial experiments. (p.54)また、「科学的説明は、人々がどう思うかとは無関係に有効」であることを否定する構成主義という立場は、インテリジェントデザインの父たるPhillip Johnsonの立場(進化論は、超自然は存在しないという形而上学的自然主義によるもの)とも合致する。
[Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch: "The Golem: what everyone should know about science", Cambridge University Press, 1993]
I only wish that the rulers of science would state their precommitment to naturalism openly and defend it forthrightly, instead of hiding naturalism in the definition of “science” and then presenting as observed or experimentally tested fact conclusions that are actually derived from naturalistic philosophy.また、創造論者の主張を支援するものでもある。
[Phillip E. Johnson: "Grand Canyon Mystery Tour" (2004/05) in "Touchstone Leading Edge Archives" on ARN]
だからこそ、STS学者Steve Fullerはインテリジェントデザインを支援するのだろう。
- STSの"Strong Programme"とSteve Fuller (2012/02/26)
- STS学者Steve Fullerは方法論的自然主義を拒否する (2012/02/25)
- インテリジェントデザインを支援するSTS学者Steve Fuller (2012/02/26)
- メモ「STS学者を脱力させるSTS学者」 (2012/02/25)