Insofar as we continue to put aside our misgivings that science might destroy us and the planet -- that we pursue nuclear energy despite the atom bomb, that we pursue genetics despite the Holocaust, that we pursue social science despite brainwashing and surveillance -- we are trading on a residual sense of our closeness to God. Indeed, the Christian doctrine of providence, which was designed to instil perseverance in the face of adversity, is the model for this curious, and some would say, blind faith in science. Certainly such a view makes more sense if God is thought to reveal his handiwork in nature, as ID supporters presume, than if the deity is inscrutable or non-existent, as ID opponents normally do.神は自らの創造した自然界を人間が理解することを求めているだけでなく、さらに...
[Steve Fuller: "Science in God's image" (2010/05/03) on The Guardian]
There is no reason to think that if nature is intelligently designed, the design has been already fully realized - it may still be for us to discover and/or complete nature’s intelligent design.という形で、世界が不完全であることの理由(神義論)も説明している。
[Steve Fuller: "ID and the Science of God: Part II" (2009/01/10) on Uncommon Descemt]
ただし、Prof Steve Fullerの巧妙な点は、いずれも、インテリジェントデザインの主張の根幹である「神による自然界への超自然的な介入」を肯定も否定もしていないところ。すなわち、「初期値と自然法則をうまく創って、現在の宇宙と人類を実現している」というフロントローディングでも、Prof Steve Fullerの主張は成立する。
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- インテリジェントデザインを支援するSTS学者Steve Fuller (2012/02/26)
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