
利益相反メモ OCC: Conflict of Interest の一部訳

Comptroller of the Currency
Administrator of National Banks
Conflicts of Interest -- Comptroller’s Handbook, June 2000

Types of Conflicts of Interest (利益相反のタイプ)

Dealings Involving Insiders (インサイダー取引)

Dealings with persons or entities connected with the bank in a way that might affect its judgment represent a potential conflict of interest or self-dealing activity. Such dealings may include investing in stock held by insiders (including bank officers, directors, and employees) or their related interests, assuming their obligations, acquiring their property, buying their trust property or accepting its transfer, or lending trust funds to them (12 USC 92a(h)). The bank should develop policies and procedures to ensure that such dealings are monitored and restricted. Although some of these activities may be authorized by applicable state law or governing documents, policies and procedures often prohibit these potential conflicts or establish ways for the bank to avoid them. (See Appendix B, “Transactions between the Bank and Related Interests,” for a more detailed discussion.)

銀行と関係する個人もしくは法人であって、銀行の判断に影響を及ぼし、これが潜在的な利益相反あるいは自己取引となるもの。そのような取引には、インサイダー(銀行役員・管理職・従業員を含む)が保有する株あるいは関連資産への投資、インサイダーの債務の引き受け、インサイダーから資産を購入、インサイダーの信託資産の購入あるいは信託資産の移転受け入れ、インサイダーへの信託財産の貸し出しなどが含まれる。銀行は、そのような取引をモニタし、制限するポリシーと手続きを確実に実行できるようにしなければならない。そのような取引は、適用される州法あるい規定によって認可されることがあるかもしれないが、ポリシーおよび手続きは、これらの潜在的な相反行為を禁止し、これを銀行が回避するルールを確立すべきである。(Appendix B参照)

Inappropriate Financial Benefit(不適切な金融利益)

Transactions with insiders may result in additional compensation, financial benefits, or goods and services for the bank as trustee. Particularly when these benefits are not properly authorized and disclosed, they represent improper conflicts of interest and self-dealing. Management must develop a process to identify all potentially inappropriate transactions; the process must ensure that conflicts are either avoided or properly authorized and disclosed. A bank may gain an inappropriate financial benefit if it generates additional fee-based business for itself or an affiliate in one of the following ways: by using an affiliated company’s income-producing services, by charging undisclosed fees to accounts for security transactions, or by receiving payment for other services that are normally included in fiduciary administration fees. If a bank fiduciary obtains financial benefits (including goods and services) from a service provider (whether affiliated or not), the benefits must be authorized and must not be provided in exchange for using that provider. For more detailed discussions, see appendix A, “Use of Material Nonpublic Information”; appendix B, “Transactions between the Bank and Related Interests”; appendix C, “Trust Brokerage Allocation and Securities Trading”; appendix D, “Soft Dollars and Directed Commission Arrangements”; appendix G, “Reasonable Compensation”; and appendix H, “Fee Concessions.”

インサイダーとの取引により、追加報酬や金融利益や、受託者として物品やサービスを得ることがあるかもしれない。特に、これらの利益が適切に承認あるいは公開されていない場合、不適切な利益相反あるいは自己取引となる。経営陣は、すべての潜在的に不適切な取引を特定できるような手続きを構築しなければならない。その手続きは、利益相反を回避もしくは、適切に承認・公開されることを確実なものにするものではなければならない。次のような方法で、自社もしくは系列会社について追加の手数料を得ることがあるかもしれない:系列会社に収入を与えるサービスの利用、証券取引の非公開な手数料の口座への課金、受託財産管理手数料に含まれる他のサービスの手数料。銀行の信託業務で、物品やサービスを含む金融利益を(関連会社か否かにかかわらず)サービスプロバイダーから得た場合、その利益は承認されるなければならず、そのプロバイダーを選択したことの見返りとして供与されるものであってはならない。(Appendix A, B, D, G, H参照)

Conflicting Roles and Responsibilities(役割と責任の相反)

Banks can serve in many different, and potentially conflicting, roles for their fiduciary clients. A bank’s responsibilities as lender, credit enhancer, or security underwriter may run counter to its duties as fiduciary. Banks must identify and monitor conflicting responsibilities and communicate guidelines for preventing self-dealing and conflicts of interest. When a bank fiduciary has failed to prevent self-dealing or conflicts of interest and is not certain about what remedial action it should take, it should consult with legal counsel. For more detailed discussions, see appendix E, “Use of Mutual Funds as Fiduciary Investments,” and appendix F, “Unique Situations Posing Potential Conflicts.”

銀行は、信託の委託者に対して、多くの異なる、そして潜在的に相反する役割で、サービスを提供できる。貸手として、信用補完者として、証券引受者としての銀行の役割は、受託者の義務と相反するかもしれない。銀行は相反する役割の特定およびモニターし、自己取引および利益相反を抑止するためのガイドラインに照らし合わせなければならない。もし銀行が自己取引あるいは利益相反を抑止できず、取るべき方策がわからないときは、法律顧問と相談しなければならない。(Appendex E, F参照)

Employees’ Unethical Conduct(従業員の非倫理行動)

Employees’ unethical conduct can undermine the fiduciary’s ability to fulfill its duty of loyalty to account beneficiaries. A bank that promulgates a code of ethics for employees that clearly communicates the bank’s expectations may reduce the risk of unethical conduct.

Bank management should have monitoring systems in place to detect employee conduct that conflicts with the bank’s responsibilities as a fiduciary. Systems should be sufficient to alert the bank when a bank employee serves as cofiduciary with the bank for a fee, competes with the bank, receives loans from fiduciary clients, accepts gifts or bequests from fiduciary clients, receives goods and services from vendors, or executes personal securities transactions that are counter to the best interests of account beneficiaries. For a more detailed discussion, see appendix A, “Use of Material Nonpublic Information.”


銀行管理者は、銀行の受託者として義務と相反する従業員の行動を検出するシステムを適所に持つべきである。このシステムは銀行従業員が、銀行とともに手数料のために共同受託者として仕事をする、銀行と競合する、信託委託者からローンを受け取る、信託委託者から贈与もしくは遺贈を受ける、口座受益者の利益と相反する自分自身の証券の取引などの行為をしたときに警告できるだけの能力を持つべきである。(Appendix A参照)

Internal Controls(内部統制)

Asset management clients, both institutional and individual, expect an asset manager to be honest and ethical. To meet industry standards, many banks implement stringent controls. When evaluating internal controls, examiners consider the control environment; risk assessment systems; control activities; accounting, information, and communication processes; and self-assessment and monitoring systems.


To manage the risks associated with conflicts of interest and self-dealing, the bank must have systems in place that first identify actual or potential conflicts. Policies reflecting the bank’s willingness to accept the associated risks should be established and followed. Because of the importance of a sound reputation in the asset management business, many banks take steps to prevent actual interests. Some common controls include:


  • Assessment of business lines and activities to identify all potential conflicts of interest and self-dealing.

  • Identification of all insiders and their related interests.

  • Development of written policies and procedures appropriate to the size and complexity of the bank’s business. Policies and procedures should establish an ethics policy, identify prohibited activities, and offer guidelines for avoiding or managing conflicts of interest and self-dealing.

  • Dissemination of information on conflicts of interest and self-dealing to enable supervisory committees and officers to:

    • Identify existing or potential problems when an account is considered for acceptance as well as when one already on the books is reviewed.
    • Recognize the legality of certain conflicts or potential conflicts.
    • Monitor potential conflicts of interest and self-dealing.
    • Evaluate the level of risk to the bank.

  • A risk control process, including audit, compliance, and training programs, that emphasizes the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest and self-dealing.

Refer to the Comptroller’s Handbook booklet “Internal Controls” for a more
thorough discussion.(Internal Controlsブックレット参照)

Comptroller of the Currency
Administrator of National Banks
Conflicts of Interest -- Comptroller’s Handbook, June 2000

Appendix B: Transactions between Bank and Related Interests (Parties)

Prohibitions on Investments (投資の禁止)

Unless authorized by applicable law, a trustee bank that has discretion over the investment of a fiduciary account’s funds is prohibited (12 CFR 9.12(a)) from investing in the stock and obligations of, or assets acquired from:


  • The bank or any of its directors, officers, or employees.
  • Affiliates of the bank or any of their directors, officers, or employees.
  • Other individuals or entities with whom there exists an interest that might affect the bank’s exercise of its best judgment.

In addition, a fiduciary account’s investments in the following assets may give rise to a conflict of interest, unless authorized by applicable law:

  • Investment companies (mutual funds) sponsored or advised by the bank or its affiliates.
  • Time or savings deposits of the trustee bank, holding company, affiliates, or other organizations that are so connected as to possibly affect the bank’s exercise of its best judgment.
  • Loans originated by the bank.

Investing in or retaining shares of the trustee bank’s stock places the trustee in a position of conflict. A trustee’s decision whether to buy, sell, or retain shares of its own stock may not have the same objectivity as a decision whether to buy, sell, or retain other securities. A trustee cannot purchase shares of its own stock or related interest holdings unless properly authorized by applicable law. This is true even if the purchase is otherwise a proper fiduciary investment. Broad investment powers granted to the trustee in the trust agreement do not authorize the bank to purchase its own stock or other obligations.


When state statutes specifically authorize a corporate trustee to retain shares of its own stock received from the grantor, the trustee may rely on these statutes as authority for retaining those shares, if the shares would otherwise be a proper fiduciary investment. Some state statutes that generally authorize retention of securities owned by the testator at his death may be unclear about whether the trustee is authorized to retain its own stock. Accordingly, general retention statutes should not be viewed as sufficient protection for the corporate trustee, unless the courts of the state in which the trustee is located have held that their statute authorizes retention of the bank’s own stock.


Frequently, bank trustees reduce holdings of their own bank stock or that of their holding company when the holdings represent a concentration of outstanding shares. A concentration is generally considered to be 10 per cent or more of all outstanding shares.


When the trust agreement does not refer to the shares of the trustee bank, but contains general authorization to retain original investments, the trustee may generally retain shares received in kind at the creation of the trust. A general authorization in the trust agreement to retain original investments has been widely held to be a waiver of the rule of undivided loyalty, provided the shares are otherwise a proper trust investment.


The existence of co-trustees may affect the bank’s decision to sell or retain its own stock. The bank, as trustee, should obtain a directive from its co-trustee to retain the bank’s stock if the co-trustee is the sole beneficiary. If other beneficiaries exist, the bank must not rely upon a co-trustee’s directions and must refer to applicable law.


National banks that hold their own bank stock as a trustee are bound by their fiduciary obligations when voting that stock. Under 12 USC 61, national banks are prohibited from voting shares of stock they hold as trustee in the election of bank directors. However, if the trust agreement specifically reserves to an account’s grantor or beneficiaries the power to determine how the shares of the trustee bank’s stock will be voted, the shares of stock may be voted. The restrictions of 12 USC 61 do not apply to holding company stock.

受託者として自社株を保有する国内銀行は、株主総会での投票では、信託義務に基づいて投票しなければならない。"12 USC 61"のもとで、銀行役員の選出について受託者として保有する自社株について、国内銀行が投票することは禁じられている。しかし、信託契約が特に口座の委託者あるいは受益者に対して、信託銀行の株式の投票権を留保している場合は、その分について投票してもよい。"12 USC 61"の制約は持株会社の株式については適用されない。

Loans to Officers, Directors, and Employees(役員・管理職・従業員に対するローン)

Twelve USC 92a(h) expressly prohibits a national bank from lending any funds from the fiduciary accounts it administers to the bank’s officers, directors, or employees. If any bank officer, director, or employee makes or receives any such loan, that person may be fined up to $5,000, imprisoned, or both. In addition, the OCC may bring enforcement actions against the bank and its officers, directors, and employees, including the imposition of civil money penalties. (See OCC Bulletin 98-32, “Civil Money Penalties.”)

"12 USC 92a(h)"は明示的に国内銀行に対して、信託口座からの資金を銀行の役員・管理職・従業員に貸すことを禁じている。銀行の役員・管理職・従業員はそのようなローンを組んだり、受けたりした場合、$5000以下の罰金もしくは懲役あるいは罰金と懲役となる。さらに、OCCは銀行の役員・管理職・従業員に対して民事制裁金を含む法の執行を行うかもしれない。

When a bank officer makes such a loan or receives such a loan’s proceeds, both the officer and the bank have committed a crime. For the bank to violate this statute, it need only be the trustee of funds that are lent to the officer, director, or employee. The fact that the transaction was executed at the direction of one or more persons does not make the bank any less culpable.


No exceptions to this prohibition are allowed under 12 USC 92a(h). The statute prevails over any instrument authority, beneficiary consent, or court order purporting to authorize the transaction. However, this strict statutory prohibition (carrying criminal sanctions) against lending trust assets to bank employees and insiders does not extend to their related interests or to bank affiliates.

"12 USC 92a(h)"のもとでは、この禁止について例外は認められない。法規は業務を認可する当局権限にも、受益者の同意にも、裁判所命令にも勝つ。しかし、信託資産を従業員やインサイダーに貸し出すことについて、制裁を伴う厳格な禁止法規は、利害関係者および銀行の系列会社には適用されない。

Obligations of directors, officers, or employees received in kind are not prohibited by 12 USC 92a(h) unless they are renewed or carried past due at the bank’s discretion. Demand loans of directors, officers, or employees received in kind should be paid within a reasonable time. A bank acting as executor of a will should not transfer such obligations to itself as trustee under the will. In an estate, repayment should normally occur within the usual period of administration.

銀行の役員・管理職・従業員の債権を同様に受け取る行為は、銀行の判断で更新あるいは継続されない限り、"12 USC 92a(h)"によって禁止されない。銀行の役員・管理職・従業員のコールローンは、合理的な期間内に支払われなければならない。意志の執行者としての銀行は、そのような債権を受託者として自身に移転すべきではない。不動産では普通の管理機関内に返済が完了すべきである。

Loans to Other Related Parties

When authorized by applicable law, a national bank fiduciary may lend funds to related parties who are not officers, directors, or employees. However, the bank’s sole consideration should be the needs of the accounts involved and the best interests of the holders of beneficial interests. Even if specific authority permits a loan, the investment would be subject to criticism if it is not in the best interests of the account beneficiaries.


Loans to and from Fiduciary Accounts (信託口座と貸付)

While administering fiduciary accounts, a trustee may have to borrow funds to meet the needs of the account beneficiaries. National banks may generally make loans to a fiduciary account and hold a security interest in account assets if the transaction is fair to the account and is not prohibited by applicable law (see 12 CFR 9.12(c)). When a trust borrows from the trustee bank, the loan must be for the exclusive benefit of the trust beneficiaries and the loan’s fees and interest rates must be reasonable.


An exception to the above standard applies to national banks administering a collective investment fund. Under 12 CFR 9.18(b)(8)(ii), the bank is prohibited from making a loan on the security of a participant’s interest in the fund. An unsecured advance, however, until the next valuation date, may be permissible.

上記スタンダードに対する例外が、集合投資ファンドを管理している国内銀行には適用される。"12 CFR 9.18(b)(8)(ii)"のもとで、銀行は、ファンド内の参加者の動産担保権の証券に対してローンを組んではならない。しかし、無担保貸付については次回評価日までは認められる。

National banks are permitted to lend funds from one fiduciary account to another when the making of a loan is authorized by the trust agreement, fair to both accounts, and not prohibited by applicable law (12 CFR 9.12(e)).

信託契約によってローンを組むことが認められていて、両口座に対して公平であり、関連法令(12 CFR 9.12(e))で禁じられていない限り、国内銀行はある信託口座から別の信託口座に資金を貸し付けることができる。

Sales to Related Parties

Property held by a national bank as fiduciary generally should not be sold or transferred, by loan or otherwise, to the bank, its directors, officers, or employees (12 CFR 9.12(b)(1)). Nor should such property be sold or transferred to persons whose connections might impair the bank’s best judgment, to organizations whose interests might have that effect, or to affiliates of the bank, their directors, officers, or employees. However, such sales or transfers may be carried out:


  • When authorized by applicable law;
  • When the bank, as fiduciary, has been advised by its counsel in writing that it has incurred a contingent or potential liability and desires to relieve itself of such liability (the sale or transfer may not result in a loss to the trust account);
  • As provided in 12 CFR 9.18(b)(8)(iii) with respect to defaulted securities; or
    "12 CFR 9.18(b)(8)(iii)"が定めているように、デフォルトした証券
  • When required by the OCC.

The bank’s exercise of its best judgment may be affected when:

  • The bank uses a broker to sell trust assets to a related party or organization, and
  • The sale occurs shortly after the property’s acquisition by the broker from the bank.

However, if the bank uses a broker to sell trust assets, and the broker is unable to sell the assets for a reasonable period of time, such as a year, a subsequent sale to a related party or organization will not be presumed to violate 12 CFR 9.12.

The public sale of property held by a national bank as fiduciary does not eliminate the conflict of interest. If a director, officer, or employee is the successful bidder, the sale must be made subject to court approval. A court order should be obtained after full disclosure of the relationship between the bidder and the bank. The sale may be consummated after the court order is obtained.

しかし、銀行が信託資産を売却するために証券会社を利用し、証券会社が1年といった合理的な期間内に資産を売却できない場合、関連する個人や法人への売却は"12 CFR 9.12"違反とはならない。


Purchase of Assets or Services from Related Parties 

Banks may conduct fiduciary business using insurance agents, real estate brokers, securities broker/dealers, farm and property managers, appraisers, tax preparers, and other service providers. However, except in the circumstances noted below, banks may not purchase assets or services from related parties for fiduciary accounts unless authorized by applicable law. The exception to this rule is that the OCC does not object to a bank’s use of an affiliated broker/dealer to effect securities transactions for fiduciary accounts so long as the broker/dealer forgoes any profit and the arrangement is not prohibited by applicable law.


Related parties include the bank, its directors, related interests of directors, advisory directors, officers, employees, and individuals or organizations with a connection or interest that might affect the bank’s exercise of its best judgment. Prior written authorizations from grantors of revocable trusts or beneficiaries of irrevocable trusts would enable a bank fiduciary to deal with a related party provided that the bank makes full and complete disclosure of the circumstances surrounding the conflict of interest.


Use of External Investment Advisory Programs

Pursuant to 12 CFR 9.4(c), a national bank is authorized to purchase services related to the exercise of its fiduciary powers from another bank or entity. The OCC has permitted national banks to engage a registered investment adviser to provide investment advice as a subadviser, providing investment management services to fiduciary customers of the bank.

"12 CFR 9.4(c)"にしたがって、国内銀行は、他の銀行や機関から、受託権行使に関連したサービスの購入を認められる。OCCは国内銀行に対して、サブアドバイザーとしての投資の助言および、投資管理サービスを銀行の信託顧客に提供するために、登録投資アドバイザーを雇うことを認めている。

National banks may also act as a finder, bringing together an investment adviser and its customers for a fee. The investment advisor and customer negotiate a contract between themselves, with no bank involvement. National banks lacking fiduciary powers may engage in this service because they do not act as an investment adviser or exercise investment discretion for any party.


Purchases from Affiliated Underwriting Syndicates

Pursuant to 12 CFR 9.12, national banks may not purchase assets, including securities, from themselves or their affiliates for fiduciary accounts unless specifically permitted by applicable law. In addition, 12 USC 371c-1(b)(1) restricts purchases for fiduciary accounts of securities underwritten by a syndicate in which a bank affiliate is a member while that syndicate exists. Such a purchase, however, is not prohibited under 371c-1 if it was approved by a majority of outside bank directors before the securities were initially offered for sale to the public.

"12 CFR 9.12"にしたって、国内銀行は、関連法令が特に認めない限り、信託口座のために銀行自身あるいは系列会社から証券を含む資産を購入してはならない。さらに、"2 USC 371c-1(b)(1)"は、信託口座のための、銀行の系列会社がメンバーとなっているシンジケートによって引き受けられた証券の購入は、シンジケートが存在する限り、制限される。しかし、証券が市場に売り出される前に、外部の銀行の役員の多数が認めるならば、そのような購入は"371c-1"のもとでは認められる。

Before purchasing a security for a fiduciary account from an underwriting syndicate in which a bank affiliate is a member, or as part of the board’s standards for acquisitions, the bank should evaluate such features of the security issue as price; yield; credit quality; structure, including options and call features; maturity; and sensitivity to interest rate movements. The bank should find out whether any similar issues are available and should compare features.


Real Estate Syndications

Although a bank fiduciary may sponsor limited partnership syndications for its fiduciary accounts or common trust funds, neither the bank nor its employees may participate in the syndication. In the absence of specific approval or consent, the general partner should not be a related interest. Bank fees taken for this activity must be fully disclosed and authorized. Participation guidelines should be established to ensure that only appropriate fiduciary accounts are invested in the syndication.


Comptroller of the Currency
Administrator of National Banks
Conflicts of Interest -- Comptroller’s Handbook, June 2000

General Procudure

3. Obtain and review reports management uses to supervise conflicts of interest. Discern any material changes since the previous examination. Some of the reports typically available to management are:

  • A list of all insiders and related interests as defined in 12 CFR 9.12(a)(1).
    "12 CFR 9.12(a)(1)"に定められたインサイダーおよび利害関係リスト
  • A list of all significant (potential or actual) fiduciary conflicts of interest and self-dealing of which bank management is aware.
  • A list of all accounts owning proprietary (bank-advised) mutual funds and mutual funds that pay the bank a fee, bank time deposits, bank certificates of deposits, bank or holding company stock or debt instruments, and securities of related interests.
  • A list of approved brokers and the policy and basis for selecting those brokers.
  • A copy of the approved securities list for managed accounts including management comments supporting the purchase of securities that are not on the approved list.
  • A copy of the most recent audit and compliance reports, with management responses to any concerns raised in those reports.
  • A copy of the audit and compliance program.
  • A list of all financial benefits the bank receives from third parties, such as servicers and investment companies. This information may be included on the bank’s income and fee reports.

4. Determine the potential for conflicts of interest and self-dealing by considering:

  • The nature of products and services offered.
  • The complexity of the corporate structure and dealings with affiliates and subsidiaries.
  • The use of affiliated pooled or proprietary mutual funds, mutual funds for which the bank receives fees, cash management products, data processing services, depository services, investment management services, and other services.
  • Policies and procedures for conflicts and self-dealing.
  • Internal assessments of risk and the risk management program

Code of Federal Regulations -- 12 C.F.R. Banks and Banking

(a) Investments for fiduciary accounts—(1) In general. Unless authorized by applicable law, a national bank may not invest funds of a fiduciary account for which a national bank has investment discretion in the stock or obligations of, or in assets acquired from: the bank or any of its directors, officers, or employees; affiliates of the bank or any of their directors, officers, or employees; or individuals or organizations with whom there exists an interest that might affect the exercise of the best judgment of the bank.

[12 C.F.R. § 9.12 Self-dealing and conflicts of interest.]

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