


wiki:百匹目の猿現象懐疑論者の祈り:百匹めのサル(hundredth monkey phenomenon)で広く知られるように、「百匹目の猿現象」あるいは「101匹目のサル」あるいは「Hundredth Monkey Phenomena (HMP)」はLyall Watson: "Life tide" (1979)[ライアル・ワトソン:生命潮流]で創作した現象である。

Lyall Watsonは論拠としてMasao Kawai(1965)を挙げたが:
==>Masao Kawai: Newly-acquired pre-cultural behavior of the natural troop of Japanese monkeys on Koshima islet, Journal Primates , 6, 1-30, 1965
==>忘却からの帰還: 「百匹目の猿」の原論文には百匹目の猿はいない

それを、Ron Amundsonに突かれた:
==>Ron Amundson: The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon[和訳]

Lyall Watsonは逃げ切れずに、百匹目の猿はメタファーであって事実ではないと認めた。たとえなので、百匹目のゴキブリでもよかったと言って:
==>Lyall Watson responds - to criticism of the hundredth monkey theory of telepathic group mind - letter to the editor Whole Earth Review, Autumn, 1986 by Lyall Watson[和訳]

この「百匹目の猿」とRupert Sheldrakeの"morphic resonance"あるいは"morphogenetic field"あるいは形態形成場はともに語られることが多い。しかし、Rupert Sheldrake自身は自説の根拠に「百匹目の猿」を使っていない。Does the 100th monkey story support your ideas? において、Rupert Sheldrakeは:
The 100th monkey story is often told and appears to support the idea of morphic resonance. However, I never use this myself because most of the versions of it that are in circulation have drifted a long way from the actual facts. It is then easy for sceptics to debunk.

百匹目の猿の話は形態共鳴(morphic resonance)を支持するものとして語られている。しかし、私自身はこれを使ったことはない。というのは、この話の流布されている大半のバージョンは事実とはかけ離れているからだ。懐疑論者が偽りを暴くのは容易だ。

The original story appears in Lyall Watson's book LIFETIDE, where he describes research on Japanese macaque monkeys, which have been studied intensively for more than four decades in a number of wild colonies. In 1952, a researcher first provided monkeys in one colony on the island of Koshima with sweet potatoes, which were thrown onto the beach and hence were covered with sand. One of the monkeys, an 18-month old female, called Imo, solved the problem of the sand on the potatoes by carrying them down to a stream and washing them before feeding. This new form of behaviour spread through the colony. By 1958 all the juveniles were washing dirty food and some of the adults learned to do so by imitating their children.


Watson goes on to say: "Then something extraordinary took place. The details up to this point in the study are clear, but one has to gather the rest of the story from personal anecdotes and bits of folklore among primate researchers, because most of them are still not quite sure what happened. ..... I am forced to improvise the details, but as near as I can tell, this is what seems to have happened." Watson then tells the original version of the 100th monkey story, making it clear that this is not literally what happened but a kind of dramatisation of it:


"In the autumn of that year [1958] an unspecified number of monkeys on Koshima were washing sweet potatoes in the sea, because Imo had made the further discovery that salt water not only cleaned the food but gave it an interesting new flavour. Let us say, for arguments sake. that the number was 99 and that at eleven o'clock on the Tuesday morning, one further convert was added to the fold in the usual way. But the addition of the 100th monkey apparently carried the number across some sort of threshold, pushing it through a kind of critical mass, because by that evening almost everyone in the colony was doing it. Not only that, but the habit seems to have jumped natural barriers to have appeared spontaneously, like glycerine crystals in sealed laboratory jars, in colonies in other islands and on the mainland in a troop at Takasakiama."


This story has been repeated by all sorts of new age speakers and writers, mutating as it is retold. I think that the observations to which Watson was referring does show something like morphic resonance, but exaggerated versions of the story often bear little relation to what really happened. I myself prefer the example of rats that learned a new trick in one laboratory (Harvard) and later groups of rats in other laboratories, in Scotland and Australia that learned the new trick quicker. The details are given in my book A NEW SCIENCE OF LIFE, chapter 11.

この話は、あらゆる種類のニューエイジの講演者や著述者によって繰り返され、語られるごとに変異していった。ワトソンが触れた観察は形態共鳴(morphic resonance)のようなものを示していると私は思うが、誇張されたバージョンの話は、実際に起きたこととは何の関係もない。私自身は、Harvardの研究室で、新しいトリックを学んだネズミの例を好んでいる。後にスコットランドとオーストラリアの研究室のネズミたちが、より迅速に新しいトリックを学んでいる。詳細は私の本「生命のニューサイエンス―形態形成場と行動の進化」の11章にある。

なお、Sheldrakeが引用したLyall Watsonの本にある「グリセリンの結晶化」ネタもLyall Watsonの創作である。
==>菊池誠: グリセリンの結晶, on kikulog, May 21, 2005

Sheldrakeは「グリセリンの結晶化」についても、自説の証拠としては主張していないようだ。少なくとも、Rupert Sheldrake Onlineで、"glycerine"という単語は、上記のLife Tideの引用部分でしか見つからない(google)。

Rupert Sheldrakeの"morphic resonance"あるいは"morphogenetic field"あるいは形態形成場も、疑似科学ネタである。しかし、ニューエイジな人々と違って、Rupert Sheldrakeは既にフィクションであることが明らかとなっている「百匹目の猿」を論拠にして、自説の信憑性を下げるようなマネはしていない。

posted by Kumicit at 2006/10/29 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Hundredth Monkey | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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