[J.H. ブルック:科学と宗教]
[原文: wiki:Metaphysical naturalism, 和訳:忘却からの帰還:方法論的自然主義 on wiki]
これに対するインテリジェントデザインの反対論とは、Alvin Plantinga先生の語る:
Many other constraints on science have been proposed. Jacques Monod, the author of Chance and Necessity, says that science precludes any form of teleology. Other proposed constraints are that science can’t involve moral judgments — or value judgments, more generally — and that the aim of science is explanation, whether or not this is in the service of truth.おおよそ、この主張が、wiki:Metaphysical naturalismにも反映されており:
科学について多くの制約が提唱されてきた。"Chance and Necessity"の著者であるJacques Monodは、科学はいかなる形式の目的論も排除すると言っている。科学は倫理判断や価値判断や、もっと一般的に、科学の目的は、それが真であるか否かに関わらず説明であると主張する者もいる。
Observing methodological naturalism thus hamstrings science by precluding science from reaching what would be an enormously important truth about the world. It might be that, just as a result of this constraint, even the best science in the long run will wind up with false conclusions.
[Alvin Plantinga: Whether ID is Science isn't Semantics, Science & Theology News, March 7, 2006]
[原文: wiki:Metaphysical naturalism, 和訳:忘却からの帰還:方法論的自然主義 on wiki]
ただし、Alvin Plantinga先生ほどまじめに考えている人々ばかりではなく、インテリジェントデザイン応援団なHarris&Calvertコンビだと:
Evolution is undergirded by a philosophy called naturalism. Naturalism is the doctrine that the laws of cause and effect (as in chemistry and physics) are adequate to account for all phenomena, and that design or teleological conceptions of nature are invalid. The last phrase means that the design hypothesis is invalid a priori, as a matter of principlenot as a deduction from evidence. It requires a belief that we just “occur” as natural phenomena and that we are not designed or created for any purpose. By eliminating design, the philosophy of naturalism effectively eliminates supernatural explanations for any event occurring in nature. Indeed, the very function of naturalism is to eliminate the possibility of supernatural intervention from all scientific explanations.「超自然の介入」があったことを「科学に入れろ」くらいの主張になっている、
[William S. Harris and John H. Calvert: Intelligent Design: The Scientific Alternative to Evolution]
ここで、注目すべきは、Alvin Planting先生と、Harris&Calvertコンビにせよ、目的論(Teleology)という言葉を、超自然とほぼ同義で使っていること。すなわち、アリストテレスの目的因のような話をするつもりはなさそう。
この傾向は、インテリジェントデザイン理論家Dr. William Dembskiにも見られる:
"There's only one way evolutionary biology can defeat intelligent design, and that is by in fact solving the problem that it claimed all along to have solved but in fact never did - to account for the emergence of multipart, tightly integrated complex biological systems (many of which display irreducible and minimal complexity) apart from teleology or design."いつもの"God of the gaps"論な文章だが、ここでDembskiは、デザインを認めない限り還元不可能な複雑さの説明はできないと言っている。目的論はもののついで。
[Travis K. McSherley: A Review of The Design Revolution by William Dembski, Townhall.com, October 30, 2004]
In line with the Parable of the Cube let us recall Thomas Huxley's simian typists. Thomas Huxley was Charles Darwin's apologist. Darwin's theory of speciation by natural selection sought at all costs to avoid teleology. The appeal of Darwinism was never, That's the way God did it. The appeal was always, That's the way nature did it without God. Thus one looked to chance, not intelligence, to render Darwinism plausible. Huxley's simians were to provide one such plausibility argument.インテリジェントデザイン運動側でも、アリストテレス的な目的論を持ち出す気はなく、超自然の別名として"目的論"という言葉を使っているようだ。
"the Parable of the Cube"のラインでThomas Huxleyのサルのタイピストを思い返そう。Thomas HuxleyはCharles Darwinの擁護者であった。自然淘汰による種形成のDarwinの理論は、徹底して目的論を避けようとした。Darwinは神がそれを為したとは決して言わない。自然は神なしにそれを為したと言う。そこで、ダーウィニズムをもともらしくするために、インテリジェンスではなく偶然に目を向けた。Huxleyのサルは次のようなもっともらしい論を提示する。
[William A. Dembski: Converting Matter into Mind, Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 42, no. 4, October 1, 1990]
Discovery InstituteのTechonology&Democracy ProjectのGeorge Gilderも:
Based as it is on ideas, a computer is intrinsically an object of intelligent design. Every silicon chip holds as many as 700 layers of implanted chemicals in patterns defined with nanometer precision and then is integrated with scores of other chips by an elaborately patterned architecture of wires and switches all governed by layers of software programming written by human beings. Equally planned and programmed are all the computers running the models of evolution and “artificial life” that are central to neo-Darwinian research. Everywhere on the apparatus and in the “genetic algorithms” appear the scientist’s fingerprints: the “fitness functions” and “target sequences.” These algorithms prove what they aim to refute: the need for intelligence and teleology (targets) in any creative process.人工生命を、インテリジェンスや目的論の説明を論破しようとするものと批判している。ここでも、もののついでな"目的論"であって、主目標は「インテリジェンス」である。
[George Gilder: Evolution and Me, National Review, July 17, 2006]