May 3, 2012 – Billboards in Chicago paid for by The Heartland Institute point out that some of the world’s most notorious criminals say they “still believe in global warming” – and ask viewers if they do, too.そして、ネット上でフルボッコ状態になり、翌日、Heartland Instituteは、あれは実験であり、注目を浴びたので成功だったとの声明出して、広告を消した。
['Do You Still Believe in Global Warming?' Billboards Hit Chicago (2012/05/03) by Heartland Institute]
“This provocative billboard was always intended to be an experiment. And after just 24 hours the results are in: It got people’s attention.しかし、思わね痛手を被り始めた。
[Heartland Institute Ends Experiment with ‘Unabomber’ Global Warming Billboard" (2012/05/04) in HuffingtonPost]
Following the widespread outcry triggered by Heartland's billboards, a Diageo spokeswoman told the Guardian: "Diageo vigorously opposes climate scepticism and our actions are proof of this. Diageo's only association with the Heartland Institute was limited to a small contribution made two years ago specifically related to an excise tax issue. Diageo has no plans to work with the Heartland Institute in the future."寄付をしてきた保険会社State Farmも取りやめを表明:
In February, a US scientist, Peter Gleick, admitted obtaining and publishing internal Heartland documents which showed that Diageo had given the thinktank $10,000 (£6,190) in 2010. The documents, one of which Heartland later claimed was a fake, said the thinktank was expecting another $10,000 from Diageo this year.
Heartland Instituteの広告看板が引き金を引いた、大きく広がった叫びが起きた後、Diageoの広報担当はGuardianに対して「Diageoは厳格に温暖化否定論に反対しており、我々の行動はこの証明である。DiageoとHeartland Instituteの関係は、2年前の消費税問題について寄付金のみである。Diageoは将来において、Heartland Instituteの協調する計画はない」と述べた。
2月には米国の科学者Peter Gleickが入手・公開したHeartland Instituteの内部文書によれば、Diageoは2010年に1万ドルを寄付していた。今年にもDiageoから1万ドルの寄付を予定しているという内部文書については、Heartland Instituteは偽造だと主張していた。
[Leo Hickman:"Diageo to end funding of Heartland Institute after climate change outburst" (2012/05/06) on Guardian]
[FOLLOWUP: Heartland Institute’s billboards are costing them donors (2012/05/08) on BadAstronomy]また、12万5000ドルを過去2年、寄付してきた保険・再保険会社Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurersは今後は寄付を行わないと表明:
And now, after a few bloggers wrote to State farm, the insurance company has announced they too will withdraw funding from Heartland Institute. State Farm specifically cites the billboards as the reason in their announcement.
そして、ブロガーたちがState farmへのメールを送り、保険会社State farmはHeartland Instituteへの寄付を取りやめることを表明した。State Farmは広告看板を理由として明示した。
[State Farm @StateFarm 2012/05/08 08:17]
State Farm is ending its association with the Heartland Institute. This is because of a recent billboard campaign launched by the Institute.
State FarmはHeartlandとの協調関係を終える。これはInstituteの最近の広告看板キャンペーンによるものである。
"It was disgusting. It was revolting," Brad Kading, president of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers, said of the ad in an interview over the weekend. "It was a terrible mistake."一方、温暖化否定な、共和党Winsconsin州選出James Sensenbrenner連邦下院議員は流れ弾回避に動いている。
His group, which donated $125,000 to Heartland over the last two years, told the libertarian president of Heartland, Joe Bast, that their relationship is "untenable" in a letter Friday evening.
「嫌悪感をいだかせるものだ。まったくの失敗だ」とAssociation of Bermuda Insures and ReinsurersのBrad Kading社長は週末のインタビューで広告ついて述べた。過去2年は12万5000ドルをHeartlandに寄付してきた、彼のグループはHeartlandの所長Joe Bastに対して、金曜夜の書簡で関係を維持できないと伝えた。
[Evan Lehmann, E&E reporter:"Heartland faces a mutiny amid furor over billboard campaign" (2012/05/07) on EEnews]
The group has a conference set for later this month, and one of the featured speakers is Sensenbrenner. I asked Sensenbrenner’s spokesperson, Amanda Infield, if he’s still participating. She emails:
Heartland Instituteは今月この後にコンファレンスを開始し、その招待講演者のひとりがSensenbrennerである。私はSensenbrennerの広報担当Amand Infieldに対して、彼が参加するか問い合わせた。彼女は次のようにメールしてきた:Congressman Sensenbrenner will not participate in the upcoming Climate Change Conference if the Heartland Institute decides to continue this ad campaign. We have contacted the Heartland Institute and voiced these same concerns to them.
Sensenbrenner連邦議員はHeartland Instituteがこの宣伝キャンペーンを継続するのであれば、来たる"Climate Change Conference"には参加しない。我々はHeartland Instituteにコンタクトして、同様の懸念を伝えた。
[Greg Sargent: "Leading GOPer chastises right wing group for comparing climate believers to mass murderers" (2012/05/04) on Washington Post Blog]