

(c) Nothing in this part shall be construed to mean a child is abused, neglected, or endangered, or abused, neglected or endangered in an aggravated manner, for the sole reason the child is being provided treatment by spiritual means through prayer alone, in accordance with the tenets or practices of a recognized church or religious denomination by a duly accredited practitioner of the recognized church or religious denomination, in lieu of medical or surgical treatment.


[Title 39 Criminal Offenses -- Chapter 15 Offenses Against the Family -- Part 4 Children -- 39-15-402. Haley's Law - Aggravated child abuse and aggravated child neglect or endangerment - Definitions.]
カルトがこの条項によって何でもアリの行動にでるのを防ごうとしたのか「recognized church or religious denomination(認識された宗教あるいは宗派)」という記述があるが、何を以って「recognized church or religious denomination」と判断するか定められていないので、意味を持っていない。

Jessica Crank, 15, died early Sunday morning at the home where she and her family had been living with several members of New Life Tabernacle religious group. She had been diagnosed in June with a rare form of bone cancer.
Jacqueline P. Crank, 41, was charged with aggravated child abuse and neglect in July after her daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer.

Crank took her daughter, who had a large growth on her shoulder, to a medical clinic. Personnel there told them to go to the emergency room at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. When the Cranks didn't arrive, the clinic called police.

Ariel Ben Sherman, who is leader of the religious group and is referred to as Jessica's "spiritual father," was also charged with child abuse.

Jessica Crank(15歳)が、日曜早朝(2002年9月)に、宗教団体"New Life Tabernacle"の数名の教団員や家族とともに住んでいて家で死亡した。彼女は6月に稀な形態の骨癌だと診断されていた。... 母親Jacqueline P. Crank(41歳)は、娘Jessicaが稀な形態の骨癌だと診断された後の7月に、悪質な児童虐待で起訴されていた。

Jacqueline P. Crankは、肩の腫瘍が大きくなった娘を、病院に行った。病院の担当者は彼らにUniversity of Tennessee医療センター緊急治療室へ行くように告げた。Crank母子が医療センターに到着しないので、病院は警察に連絡した。宗教団体のリーダーで、Jessicaの"スピリチュアルな父親"であるAriel Ben Shermanも児童虐待で起訴されていた。

[Jessica Crank Dies of Cancer, Mother Faces Charges for Declining Early Treatment (2002/09/15) on Wate (Knoxville, Tennessee)]
LOUDON − Ten years after a 15-year-old Loudon County girl died from a rare form of bone cancer, two questions that have dogged the case from the start remain unanswered.

When, under Tennessee law, can a parent rely on God − not medicine − to heal a sick child? And, what duty of care does a non-parent owe that sick child?

At a hearing Tuesday in Loudon County Circuit Court, Judge Eugene Eblen ostensibly offered answers by deeming Jacqueline Crank and Ariel Ben Sherman guilty of misdemeanor neglect for the September 2002 death of Jessica Crank. He sentenced them to probation. But he offered no legal analysis and both sides appeared to accept his decision as a mere prelude to the ultimate legal platform in this ongoing debate − the state's appellate courts.


ラウドン郡巡回裁判所で火曜(2012/05/08)の公聴会で、裁判官Eugene Eblenは、形式的には2002年9月のJessica Crankの死について、ネグレクト軽罪でJacqueline CrankとAriel Ben Shermanに有罪であるとの意見を提示した。Eblen裁判官は保護観察を宣告した。しかし、Eblen裁判官は法的分析を提示しなかったため、双方とも、この判決を継続する裁判の上級審、すなわち州控訴裁判所への前奏として受け入れた。

[Jamie Satterfield: "Mother, 'spiritual father' convicted in faith-healing case but questions remain" (2012/05/08) on Knoxnews]
「University of Tennessee医療センター緊急治療室で対処できていなかったかもしれないという」主張を通すことに弁護人たちは成功していことが、軽罪につながったのかもしれない。ただし、肩の腫瘍が大きくなるまで病院に連れて行かなかったことは、また別の問題だ。そして、最終的に死亡したとしても、通常医療において苦痛緩和などの処置はとれていただろう。

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