
A LEEDS man tried to clean coloured dye from £60,000 of stolen money by putting it in a washing machine, a jury was told.
Darren Sobande -- who is on trial in connection with a string of armed 'cash in transit' robberies -- draped the cash on radiators to dry before it was shared out between the gang of robbers, according to prosecution witness John Kelly.
Mr Kelly, 38, said Sobande, 32, was a regular visitor to his former flat on Second Avenue, Armley.
Mr Kelly told Leeds Crown Court via a TV link: "I know he (Sobande) came in one day with a cash box. He opened the box and there were two rows of £20 notes in it, all with purple dye on. They put them in the washing machine to try to wash the dye off.
"Some came off, but some were unrecognisable. ...
Leeds[イングランド北部West Yorkshireにある産業都市]に住む男が、盗んだ現金60万ポンドから染料を洗濯機で洗い流そうとした。
現金輸送車強盗に関して裁判中のDarren Sobande は強盗たちの間で現金を分配する前に、ラジエータで現金を乾かしたと、検察側証人John Kellyが述べた。
Kelly氏(38)はLeeds Crown法廷でテレビリンクで「Sobande(32)がArmleyのSecond Avenueにある彼の前のアパートに、よくやってきた。私は彼(Sobande)が、ある日、携帯金庫を持ってきたのを知っている。彼が携帯金庫をあけると、20ポンド札の束が2つ入っていて、すべて紫色に着色されていた。我々は現金を洗濯機に入れて、染料を落とそうとした。うまく染料が落ちたのもあれば、染料が残っているものもあった。
[Mark Lavery: "Leeds man 'laundered stolen money in washing machine'" (2008/04/03) on Yorkshir Evening Post]
In an ironic twist, one of the men accused of money laundering in the FBI sting that netted 44 New Jersey public officials and others conducted his business above a real Laundromat.
Moshe "Michael" Altman, described as a real estate developer in Hudson County, worked out of an office above JP Laundromat, at 2410 Central Ave. in Union City. In the criminal complaint, Altman even jokes about it. When an associated says the FBI informant has so much money to be laundered that he "needs a laundromat." They "got one down here," Altman says, according to the complaint.
Hudson Countyの不動産デベロッパMoshe "Michael" Altmanは、Union Cityの 2410 Central Ave.にあるJP Laundromat(コインランドリ)の2階で仕事をしていた。告発によれば、Altmanはこれをジョークにしていた。FBIの情報提供者が持っているロンダリングする金があまりに多いので、共犯者が「ランドリーが必要だ」と言うと、Altmanは「階下にある」と言った。
[Real Laundromat was below as Altman conducted money laundering business above, feds say (2009/07/27) by The Jersey Journal]
Cops swooped on a suspect in a van at the port of Dover and found the appliance in the back.
The mechanism had been removed and inside were piles of cash. A police source said: There were hundreds of thousands of pounds stuffed into the machine ? it was incredible.
The investigation then switched from the Channel port to London’s East End where a house was raided and a second van was found.
Several more washing machines were found inside, and further checks revealed that one of the machines had also been tampered with.
The police source continued: "It appeared to have been dealt with like the machine from the arrest in Kent. It had been prepared for another load of readies."
Another £20,000 in cash was seized at the London address.
The source added: "I suppose they thought if you are going to launder money why not use a washing machine."
Last night police confirmed: "Two men and a woman have been charged with money laundering." The men are Moroccan, the woman Polish.
捜査対象はChannel PortからロンドンのEast Endに移り、そこの家が急襲された。そこで2台目のバンが見つかった。さらに数台の洗濯機が車内にあった。調べてみると、その中の1台の洗濯機も、内部の機械は取り外されていた。
[SIMON HUGHES: "Money laundering" (2009/04/11) on The Sun]