

Leaving Fundamentalismによれば、Accelerated Christian Educationのキリスト教学校向け理科教科書には、「科学理論が聖書と矛盾したら、理論が間違っているので、破棄しなければならない」という記述がある。
Man should never trust his own reasoning – his reasoning may be incorrect because man’s reasoning is not God’s reasoning.


Although many modern scientific discoveries are not mentioned in Scripture, any scientific theory should be compared with Scripture. True science will never contradict the Bible because God created both the universe and Scripture. Some scientists may, like the early philosophers, contradict the Bible because their interpretation of their observations or their philosophical presuppositions are wrong, but the Bible, God’s Word, is infallible. If a scientific theory contradicts the Bible, then the theory is wrong and must be discarded.


The conclusions a scientist draws in his observations and experiments are based on his preconceived ideas or presuppositions. A scientist who believes the Bible may interpret certain “facts” much differently than a scientist who believes the theory of evolution. A scientist’s preconceived ideas may even limit what ‘facts’ he chooses to consider in formulating his theories. In your study of science, you should always remember that what you read is the work of a scientist who had certain presuppositions before he began his experimentation. All scientific ‘facts’ must be interpreted on the basis of God’s Word, the infallible source of knowledge.


As scientists began to realize that God is God of order and that His Creation is orderly, they gradually accepted three basic assumptions. First, the physical universe was created by the infinite and infallible God and is structured according to certain orderly laws… Science can be defined as man’s organized knowledge of God’s creation.


[from " Accelerated Christian Education Science PACE 1109, Physical Science 1, 1996 revision", quoted by The Scientific Method According to Accelerated Christian Education (2012/04/30) on Leaving Fundamentalism]
なかなか笑えるが、これはインテリジェントデザインも似たようなことを言っている。持てる先入観によって科学はどうとでもなるというのが、インテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip Johnsonの主張である。
The book is forthrightly based on the assumption that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, but I find no fault with any assumption that is candidly stated and honestly defended, however controversial it may be. I only wish that the rulers of science would state their precommitment to naturalism openly and defend it forthrightly, instead of hiding naturalism in the definition of “science” and then presenting as observed or experimentally tested fact conclusions that are actually derived from naturalistic philosophy.


[Phillip E. Johnson: "Grand Canyon Mystery Tour" (2004/05) in "Touchstone Leading Edge Archives" on ARN]

posted by Kumicit at 2012/07/01 11:00 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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