

米国食品医薬品局は、関節炎、筋肉痛、骨粗しょう症、骨癌、および他の疾患を治療する自然栄養サプリメントして販売されているReumofan PlusとReumofan Plusについて、死亡症例の報告もあると、警告を発した。
[FDA NEWS RELEASE: "FDA issues new safety alert on Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium" (2012/08/21) on FDA]
Reumofan PlusおよびReumofan Plus Premiumについて安全性警告

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued a new warning to consumers about the potential health risks of two products marketed as natural dietary supplements for treating arthritis, muscle pain, osteoporosis, bone cancer, and other conditions. The products, Reumofan Plus and Reumofan Plus Premium, contain several potentially harmful active pharmaceutical ingredients that are not listed on the product labels.

The FDA has received dozens of additional adverse event reports, including death and stroke, associated with the use of Reumofan Plus since the agency issued its first warning about the product on June 1, 2012. Other reports include liver injury, severe bleeding, sudden worsening of glucose (sugar) control, weight gain, swelling, leg cramps and withdrawal syndrome, and adrenal suppression.

Consumers who are taking these products or who have recently stopped taking Reumofan Plus or Reumofan Plus Premium should immediately consult a health care professional. Consumers should not buy or start using these products.

米国食品医薬品局は本日(2012/08/21)、関節炎、筋肉痛、骨粗しょう症、骨癌、および他の疾患を治療する自然栄養サプリメントして販売されている2つの製品の、潜在的な健康リスクについて警告情報を出した。Reumofan PlusとReumofan Plus Premiumは製品ラベルに書かれていない、潜在的に有害な薬効成分を幾つか含有している。


Reumofan PlusまたはReumofan Premiumを現在も服用している、あるいは最近まで服用していた消費者は、ただちに医療専門家に相談する必要がある。消費者がこれらの製品を購入してたり服用しないように。

Ongoing FDA laboratory analyses of Reumofan Plus found that it contains the prescription drug ingredients:

dexamethasone – a corticosteroid, commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions, that can impair the body’s ability to fight infections and cause high blood sugar levels, bone and muscle injuries, and psychiatric problems. Dexamethasone can also cause adrenal suppression when taken for a prolonged period of time or at high doses. Sudden discontinuation of corticosteroids after long-term use or use at high doses can result in a withdrawal syndrome that includes fatigue, nausea, low blood pressure, low blood sugar levels, fever, dizziness, and muscle and joint pain.

diclofenac sodium – a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that may cause increased risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, as well as serious gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and fatal perforation of the stomach and intestines.

methocarbamol – a muscle relaxant that can cause sedation, dizziness, low blood pressure, and impair mental or physical abilities to perform tasks, such as driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery.

A separate FDA lab analysis of Reumofan Plus Premium found that it contains two of the ingredients listed above, diclofenac sodium and methocarbamol.


posted by Kumicit at 2012/08/23 23:02 | Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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Posted by Atheists in Japan at 2012/08/24 22:11
Posted by Kumicit 管理者コメント at 2012/08/27 04:51
Posted by Atheists in Japan at 2012/08/28 01:35



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