Recently, researchers conducting a WIN-Gallup International poll about religion surveyed people from 57 countries.宗教的だという人々は目に見えて減少しているが、それに見合って無神論者が増えているわけではない。この差は、伝統宗教を信じないが何等かの神を信じるものの増大によって埋められているという。
The poll suggests that in the US, since 2005:
the number of people who consider themselves religious has dropped from 73% to 60%
those who declare themselves atheists have risen from 1% to 5%
[Viewpoints: Why is faith falling in the US? (2012/08/22) on BBC]
The blockbuster growth in American religion is happening among a category the authors dub the "Nones" - people who claim no religious affiliation, but most of whom believe in God.この"NONE"に相当するのが、MTDと社会学者が呼ぶ、疑似的な宗教だという。
This is the "spiritual but not religious" crowd. About 17% of America belongs to their number, three percentage points higher than mainline Protestantism.
This rapid and widespread falling away of the young from institutional Christianity is the first harvest of what sociologists Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton dub "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism".このまま50年の時が流れれば、組織宗教は大幅に衰退し、米国の宗教情勢は現在とまったく違ったものになる。ただ、それが何をもたらすのかわからない。
According to Smith's research, MTD is the default religion of nearly all American young people, both Christian and non-Christian, who are a generation of theological illiterates (Mormon youth are a fascinating exception).
若い人々の組織キリスト教からの急速かつ大幅な離脱は、社会学者Christian SmithとMelinda Lundquist Dentonが"MTD=道徳的治療理神論"と名付けたものの草刈り場となっている。Smithの研究によれば、MTDは、キリスト教徒と非キリスト教徒を問わず、神学を知らない世代である(モルモンをのぞく)、ほぼすべての米国の若者のデフォルトと宗教となっている。
MTD teaches that God exists and wants us to be nice, and that happiness is the point of life. In MTD, God, who is "something like a combination Divine Butler and Cosmic Therapist", doesn't have to be involved in one's life unless one needs something.
It's the perfect pseudo-religion for an individualist, consumerist, prosperous culture. You can see why a generation raised on MTD would have no interest in traditional religion, with its truth claims and strictures.
If God expects nothing of you but to be nice and to be happy, why roll out of bed on Sunday morning, even for the most progressive of liturgies?
[Viewpoints: Why is faith falling in the US? (2012/08/22) on BBC]