John Sutherland: Is there a bottom line in microscopic terms - a ground level below which you can't get any further into the structure of matter?と2005年9月に言っているのだが、2003年にはNick Matzkeが分解している:
Michael Behe: Yes. We're at the molecular level of biology and from physics we know that's where it ends.
JS: And the baseline is irreducible complexity?
MB: Exactly.
==> Matzke, N. J. 2003. Evolution in (brownian) space: a model for the origin of the bacterial flagellum. http://www.talkdesign.org/faqs/flagellum.html or http://www.talkreason.org/articles/flag.pdf (see also 'Background to "Evolution in (Brownian) space"', http://www.talkdesign.org/faqs/flagellum_background.html or http://www.talkreason.org/articles/flagback.cfm)
ついでだが、インテリジェントデザイン理論家たちは、バクテリアの鞭毛の40個のタンパク質のうち30はユニークだと嘘つき宣伝している。しかし、実際には、異体同形が「27あり・12未解明・1なし」とNick Matzkeは指摘している[Nature掲載の表, Panda's Thumb関連エントリ]。
しかも、1996年のBehe発表な還元不可能な複雑さについて、今は亡き創造科学の父Henry Morrisと仲間たちは"若い地球の創造論"の概説書"Scientific Creationism"(1974,1985)で概要を書いている:
The problem is simply whether a complex system, in which many components function unitedly together, and in which each component is uniquely necessary to the efficient functioning of the whole, could ever arise by random processes. The question is especially incisive when we deal with living system. Although inorganic relationships are often quite complex, living organisms are immensely more so. The evolution model nevertherless assumes all of these have arisen by chance and naturalism. [Scientific Creationism, 2nd edition, 1985 page 59]分解可能な"還元不可能な複雑さ"にして、鞭毛を構成するタンパク質について嘘つきなインテリジェントデザイン理論家たちにして、創造科学の既出品。
JS: It's no secret that you are a Catholic. But, as I understand it, your scientific theory does not predicate God in any form whatsoever. You've suggested that the designer could even be some kind of evil alien. Is that right?インテリジェントデザイン理論家(といっても、DembskiとBeheとMeyerとLuskinくらいか?)たちの中で、ただひとりデザイナーは悪魔でも異星人でもいいと主張する。それは創造論者の好みではないネタなので、省略か?
MB: That's exactly correct. All that the evidence from biochemistry points to is some very intelligent agent. Although I find it congenial to think that it's God, others might prefer to think it's an alien - or who knows? An angel, or some satanic force, some new age power. Something we don't know anything about yet.
JS: But you're not reinserting God into the mix?
MB: No, we focus simply on the observation of design. We don't say the designer is God.
JS: Do you detect among scientists that this is a topic of respectable professional interest?なんてことを言っているが、1996年に出版した代表作「Darwin's Black Box(Amazon.com)では:
MB: Right now it's a topic that scientists are interested in but can only talk about in hushed tones behind closed doors. When I go to meetings people come up to me furtively to talk about it.
JS: Has the National Academy of Science taken an interest?
JS: It takes a position strongly condemning it. The recently retired president, Bruce Albert, sent a letter to all 2,000 members of the NAS essentially naming me.
全米科学アカデミーは興味を持ちましたか?それは、強くそれを非難している立場をとっています。最近引退した代表Bruce Albertは、基本的に私を指名しているNASの全2,000人のメンバーに、手紙を送りました。
JS: Did Galileo come to mind?
MB: Yeah. In a way it's flattery
The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cellto investigate life at the molecular levelis a loud, clear, piercing cry of ‘design!’ The result is so unambiguous and so significant that it must be ranked as one of the greatest achievements in the history of science. The discovery rivals those of Newton and Einstein, Lavoisier and Schrödinger, Pasteur and Darwin....と自画自賛なことを書いている。かなーり割り引かないと実態には近くならないようだ。