Accelerated Christian Education's fundamentalist curriculum is used by more than 50 British schools. ... Incredibly, Nessie isn't ACE's most bizarre claim. Here are five more:米国では、保守は、イエスが自分たちの考えに近い倫理問題を優先し、富の不平等や非合法移民の扱いについて重視していないと考えている[私のイエス]。そして、米国の保守なWikiであるConservapediaは聖書のリベラルな記述の削除を進めている。英国でも同様なようである。
ACEの原理主義カリキュラムは50以上の英国の学校で使われている.... 信じられないことに、ネッシーだけがACEの奇妙な主張ではない。ここにさらに5つある
1) God is a right-winger. "Liberals" are the root of all political evil. God's values are rightwing, and anything else is a rejection of His will. On a politics chart, "right" is associated with "absolute" and "God", while "left" is connected to "no values" and "atheism." The term "leftwing", we learn, exists because "left" means "sinister", "to twist something", or "to corrupt." Jesus, by contrast, taught that "we should use what we have to earn a profit." If your political views lean left, you are neither a true Christian, nor a good citizen.
[Jonny Scaramanga:"Nessie as evidence against evolution … and five odder things kids are taught" (2013/02/01) on The Guardian]