NHS Lothian – which spends around £240,000 on homeopathy each year – launched the consultation exercise in September, asking the public whether it should continue to pay for the service.3720人からの意見があり....
NHS Lothian makes between 1300 and 1800 homeopathy appointments each year and runs clinics in Leith, Dalkeith and Livingston.
[NHS Lothian set to axe £240k homeopathy funding (2013/02/18) on Scontsman]
72% against NHS-funded homeopathyという結果だった。
27% backed the status quo
1% undecided
71% of 3720 were from Lothian
74% against NHS-funded homeopathy
これについて、英国ホメオパシー協会の代表者Cristal Sumnerは、それは基本的に誤りだと
She said: “The report relies heavily on the results of the online questionnaire which the Lothian consultation team publicly acknowledged was open to abuse. This is just one of many serious flaws in the consultation process which the BHA, doctors and patient groups alerted NHS Lothian about.これはまっとうな反論ではある。ただし、地域NHSの判断は世論調査に基づくものではない。NHS Highlandのホメオパシーへの支出の中止やグレーターマンチェスターのNHS Boltonのホメオパシーへの処方・紹介の中止も地域NHSとしての判断である。
「報告書は、Lothian調査チームが公に悪用を認めたオンラインアンケートに比重を置いている。英国ホメオパシー協会と医師と患者がNHS Lothianに警告している、これは調査過程における多くの重大な誤りのひとつである。」とCristal Sumnerは述べた。
[NHS Lothian set to axe £240k homeopathy funding (2013/02/18) on Scontsman]
“Critically, NHS Lothian from the outset has failed to offer any alternative to the homeopathy service, if it is discontinued, as it is legally required to do when considering a major change in service provision.効かない治療法へのNHSの支出停止に代替策が必要なわけもなく、安くても効かない治療法に意味はない。無意味な反論だろう。
“At a price of 22p per person in Lothian for treating often chronically ill patients, it will be difficult to find a cheaper alternative.”
とはいえ、2013年2月時点で、NHS Lothianは何らの決定もくだしていない。
Professor Alex McMahon, director of strategic planning at NHS Lothian, said the results would be discussed at various meetings. He added: “I would like to stress that no final decision has been taken.”何はともあれ、NHS Lothianの決定待ち。
2013/06/27に、NHS Lothianは、今後、ホメオパシーへの支出を止めると発表。