==>2006年8月12付けの英国TelegtaphのMike Pflanzの記事「Evangelicals urge museum to hide man's ancestors」[ケニアのペンテコステ派教会は反進化論圧力を博物館に加える]
==>all Africa.comが転載したEric Wamanjiによる2007年1月12日付けのThe East African Standard (Nairobi)の記事「Kenya: Evangelicals Wage Anti-Evolution War」[ケニヤ博物館からホモエレクトゥスの化石を撤去しようとする福音主義者]
The Associated Pressが2007年2月6日付で配信したNAIROBI, Kenya発の記事「Ancient boy's skeleton sparks evolution debate」によれば:
Followers of creationism believe in the literal truth of the Genesis account in the Bible that God created the world in six days. Bishop Adoyo believes the world was created 12,000 years ago, with man appearing 6,000 years later. He says each biblical day was equivalent to 1,000 Earth years.
Adoyo's evangelical coalition is the only religious group voicing concern about the exhibition.
Leakey fears the ideological spat may provoke an attack on the priceless collection, one largely found during the 1920s by his paleontologist parents, Louis and Mary Leakey, who passed their fossil-hunting traditions on to him.
The museum, which attracts around 100,000 visitors a year, is taking no chances.
Turkana Boy will be displayed in a private room, with limited access and behind a glass screen with 24-hour closed-circuit TV. Security guards will be at the entrance.
"There are issues about the security," said Dr. Emma Mbua, the head of paleontology at the museum. "These fossils are irreplaceable and we wouldn't want anything to happen to them."
Insurance coverage could run into millions of dollars, she added.
Richard Leakeyは、この論争が、極めて貴重なコレクションへの攻撃につながることを怖れている。これらのコレクションは主として1920年代に、彼の両親である古生物学者Luis LeakeyとMary Leakeyによって発見されたものであり、その化石ハンターの伝統をRichard Leakeyは引き継いでいる。
博物館の古生物学主任のDr. Emma Mbuaは「これはセキュリティ問題だ。化石はかけがえのない物であり、何かが起きてはならない。損害保険は数百万ドルにも達する」と言った。
Mbua, a Protestant, is a little taken aback at the controversy but has no problems reconciling her own faith to the scientific evidence.
"Evolution is a fact," adds Mbua, who has run the department for the last five years.
"Turkana Boy is our jewel," she said. "For the first time, we will be taking him out of the strong room and showing our heritage to the world."
自身がプロテスタントであるDr. Emma Mbuaは論争には驚いているが、自らの信仰と科学的証拠の調和には問題がない。「進化は事実だ」とDr. Emma Mbuaは言った。彼女は過去5年にわたり古生物学部門を運営してきた。「トゥルカナボーイは至宝だ。初めて我々は彼を金庫から取り出し、我々の持つ遺産を世界に示す。」