Mutations are Random(突然変異とランダム)
The mechanisms of evolution --like natural selection and genetic drift -- work with the random variation generated by mutation.
自然淘汰と遺伝的浮動のような進化 のメカニズムは、突然変異によって発生するランダムな変化で働く。
Factors in the environment are thought to influence the rate of mutation but are not generally thought to influence the direction of mutation. For example, exposure to harmful chemicals may increase the mutation rate, but will not cause more mutations that make the organism resistant to those chemicals. In this respect, mutations are random -- whether a particular mutation happens or not is generally unrelated to how useful that mutation would be.
In the U.S., where people use shampoos with particular chemicals in order to kill lice, we have a lot of lice that are resistant to the chemicals in those shampoos. There are two possible explanations for this:
Hypothesis A:(仮説A)
Resistant strains of lice were always there--and are just more frequent now because all the non-resistant lice died a sudsy death.
Hypothesis B: (仮説B)
Exposure to lice shampoo actually caused mutations for resistance to the shampoo.
Scientists generally think that the first explanation is the right one and that directed mutations, the second possible explanation, is not correct.
Researchers have performed many experiments in this area. Though results can be interpreted in several ways, none unambiguously support directed mutation. Nevertheless, scientists are still doing research that provides evidence relevant to this issue.
In addition, experiments have made it clear that many mutations are in fact "random," and did not occur because the organism was placed in a situation where the mutation would be useful. For example, if you expose bacteria to an antibiotic, you will likely observe an increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance. In 1952, Esther and Joshua Lederberg determined that many of these mutations for antibiotic resistance existed in the population even before the population was exposed to the antibiotic — and that exposure to the antibiotic did not cause those new resistant mutants to appear[Lederberg, E., and J. Lederberg. 1952].
さらに、多くの突然変異が実際にランダムであり、その突然変異が役に立つ環境に生物がおかれても突然変異が起きるわけではないことが実験で示されている。たとえば、細菌が抗生物質に曝されると、抗生耐性を持つ細菌の比率が増加することを観察することになるだろう。1952年にEsther Lederbergと Joshua Lederbergは、以前に抗生物質に曝された細菌集団でも、抗生耐性を持つ突然変異体が存在していることを確認した。さらに、抗生物質に曝されることは、新たな耐性突然変異体の出現の原因とならないことを確認した。
Lederberg J. and Lederberg E.M.: "Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mutants", J. Bacteriol..1952; 63: 399-406 [PDF]
wikipedia:Directed mutagenesis情報量もなければ、記述も適当なかんじ。
Directed mutagenesis, also known as directed mutation, is a largely discredited hypothesis proposing that organisms can respond to environmental stresses through directing mutations to certain genes or areas of the genome.
The hypothesis was first proposed in 1988 by John Cairns, of Harvard University,[citation needed] who was studying Escherichia coli that lacked the ability to metabolize lactose. He grew these bacteria in media in which lactose was the only source of energy. In doing so, he found that the rate at which the bacteria evolved the ability to metabolize lactose was many orders of magnitude higher than would be expected if the mutations were truly random. This inspired him to propose that the mutations that had occurred had been directed at those genes involved in lactose utilization.
この仮説は1988年に、ラクトース代謝能力を欠いた大腸菌を研究していた、Harvard University[論拠要]のJohn Cairnsが提唱した。John Cairnsは、唯一のエネルギー源がラクトースである培地で、これらの大腸菌を繁殖させた。このとき、突然変異がランダムであるすると期待される率よりも、桁違いに大きな率で、ラクトース代謝能力を進化させた。これにインスパイヤされたJohn Cairnsは、ラクトース利用を含む遺伝子を指向した突然へにが起きたと提唱した。
Later support for this hypothesis came from Susan Rosenberg, then at the University of Alberta, who found that an enzyme involved in DNA recombinational repair, recBCD, was necessary for the directed mutagenesis observed by Cairns and colleagues in 1989.
However, the directed mutagenesis hypothesis was essentially disproved in 2002, when John Roth and colleagues showed that the phenomenon was due to general hypermutability due to selected gene amplification, and was thus a "standard Darwinian process."
しかし、誘導された突然変異生成仮説は2002年に基本的に反証された。これはJohn Rothと仲間たちが、この現象が選択的な遺伝子増幅による一般的なhypermutabilityによるものであり、従って普通のダーウィン過程であることを示したものである。
- さらなる実験はDirected Mutationを支持しない
Lenski RE, Mittler JE: "The directed mutation controversy and neo-Darwinism", Science. 1993 Jan 8;259(5092):188-94 [pubmed abstract] - 見かけのDirected Mutationは、既知のランダムな突然変異
MacPhee DG: "Directed mutation: paradigm postponed", Mutat Res. 1993 Jan;285(1):109-16.[pubmed abstract]
とはいえ、Brisson[2003]によれば、Directed Mutationそのものは撃滅されたもののネオ・ダーウィニズムの原則
- 突然変異は環境とは独立に起きる
- 突然変異は複製ミスよって起きる
- 突然変異率は一定
Brisson D.:"The directed mutation controversy in an evolutionary context", Crit Rev Microbiol. 2003;29(1):25-35.[pubmed abstract]