LETTERS: Stance is misconstrued on 'intelligent design'(インテリジェントデザイン対するスタンスを誤解された)これについて、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science EducationのWesley R. Elsberryは、反進化論ウォッチサイトAntiEvolution.Orgにあるのブログの2007年2月10日付けのエントリ「The Templeton Foundation Distances Itself from "Intelligent Design"」において:
February 4, 2007
"Testing the role of trust and values in financial decisions" (Jan. 21) incorrectly describes the John Templeton Foundation as having been an early supporter of the political movement known as "intelligent design."
LA Timesの2007年1月21日付の記事「資金手今日決定における信頼と価値の役割の検証」において、テンプルトン財団がインテリジェントデザインとして知られる政治運動の初期の支持者であると誤って記述されていた。
We do not believe that the science underpinning the intelligent-design movement is sound, we do not support research or programs that deny large areas of well-documented scientific knowledge, and the foundation is a nonpolitical entity and does not engage in or support political movements.
The foundation has provided tens of millions of dollars in support of research academics who are critical of the anti-evolution intelligent-design position.
For almost a decade, the foundation has been a major supporter of a substantial program of the American Assn. for the Advancement of Science. One of the program's chief activities has been to inform the public of the weakness of the intelligent-design position on modern evolutionary biology.
In the past we have given grants to scientists who have gone on to identify themselves as members of the intelligent-design community. We understand that this could be misconstrued by some to suggest that we implicitly support the movement, but this was not our intention at the time, nor is it today.
Pamela Thompson
Vice president, communications
John Templeton Foundation
West Conshohocken, Pa.
The statement is probably overdone a bit. The Templeton Foundation did fund a number of projects and people in the "intelligent design" creationism movement. While early recognition of the depth of worthlessness and the essential political nature of "intelligent design" creationism was probably too much to ask, certainly by mid-2000 these elements should have been clear to granting entities like the Templeton Foundation. Templeton's retreat from IDC, though, only became apparent in 2005.と冷ややかに評している。
このWesley R. Elsberryの評に絡んで、Panda's ThumbのPvMは2007年2月27日付のエントリ「The Templeton Foundation Distances Itself from “Intelligent Design”」において:
Good to know that even foundations like the Templeton Foundation are taking a clear distance from the scientific vacuity known as Intelligent Design. Not surprising, ID has remained void of scientific research and proposals. At best, we have some pseudo-mathematical musings and an overarching appeal to ignorance.とってもめでたいことと評している。
On November 14, the WSJ ran a front page story mentioning the John Templeton Foundation in a way suggesting that the Foundation has been a concerted patron and sponsor of the so-called Intelligent Design (“ID”) position (such as is associated with the Seattle-based Discovery Institute and the writers Philip Johnson, William Dembski, Michael Behe and others). This is false information. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The John Templeton Foundation has provided tens of millions of dollars in support to research academics who are critical of the anti-evolution ID position.
なお、テンプルと財団の初代理事長は、2008年7月8日に亡くなったSir John Marks Templeton
現在は息子のJohn M. Templeton, Jr., M.D.が継いでいます。
natureの論文・寄稿などにJohn TempletonやJM Templetonは見当たりません。
Nature掲載は2本で、1992年物は本業である地球のマントル関連の研究, 2001年物はBook reviewですね。
Charles L. Harper, Stein B. Jacobsen: "Evidence from coupled 147Sm?143Nd and 146Sm?142Nd systematics for very early (4.5-Gyr) differentiation of the Earth's mantle", Nature 360, 728 - 732 (31 Dec 1992), doi: 10.1038/360728a0, Letter
Charles L. Harper: "Why science and religion need to talk", Nature 411, 239 - 240 (17 May 2001), doi: 10.1038/35077129, Book Review
このBook reviewが進化論サイドにあたるかもしれません。
財団側の声明では、Dembskiへの補助金を上げていましたが、これ以外にインテリジェントデザイン運動との関連では、1999年にDiscovery Instituteへの補助金、2004年に宇宙版インテリジェントデザイン本"The Privileged Planet"出版の補助金を出していました。
Discovery Instituteとテンプルトン財団の戦闘は2007年から表面化し、2009年3月のVaticanのイベントに関して、Discovery Instituteはテンプルトン財団を非難しています。
このため、宗教に対して友好的な発言をする科学者に補助金を出しているという問題があると、Richard Dawkinsは批判しています。[Richard Dawkins: "The God Delusion"]