ペンシルバニア州のローカル新聞Pennlive.Comが2007年3月6日付で掲載したThe Patriot-NewsのBarbara Millerによる速報記事「Elco school board hires Dover superintendent」によれば:
The superintendent of the Dover Area School District, who led the district when it made national headlines for the teaching of intelligent design two years ago, will soon lead the Eastern Lebanon County School District.
2年前にインテリジェントデザイン教育について全米で一面をかざることになったときのDover学区教育長が、Eastern Lebanon郡学区教育長に就任する。
Richard D. Nilsen, superintendent at Dover since 2002, will succeed Ronald Hetrick, who is retiring at the end of the school year after seven years as Elco superintendent and 35 in all in the district. Nilsen takes over July 1.
Richard D. Nilsenは2002年からDover学区教育長をつとめ、本学校年度末に7年にわたるEastern Lebanon郡学区教育長職および35年にわたる学区の仕事を退職するRonald Hetrickの後を継ぐ。
Nilsen's five-year contract, with a starting salary of $135,000, was approved by a unanimous vote Monday night, said Kenneth Miller, president of the Elco school board.
Nilsenの5年契約は13万5000ドルの報酬で始まることになっており、月曜夜の無記名投票で決まったとEastern Lebanon郡学区教育委員長であるKenneth Millerは語った。
While he didn't advocate teaching of intelligent design, Nilsen was superintendent during the period leading up to and including the Dover school board's trial in federal court in Harrisburg over its decision to teach intelligent design in the science curriculum.
York DispatchのChristina Kauffmanによる2007年3月7日付の記事「Dover superintendent accepts job administering ELCO schools」によれば:
Miller said Nilsen, who never publicly advocated teaching intelligent design, was put in a difficult position by the pro-intelligent-design school board.
He went along with his bosses' desires despite his own feelings, and had to contend with a teaching staff that also disagreed with the board's decision, Miller said.