THEY HEARD their son crying through sleepless nights, suffering with diarrhea, and when little Brandon Schaible's parents noticed his labored breathing, authorities said, they prayed over their baby until his final breath last week.
Herbert and Catherine Schaible told a judge in 2011 that they would never choose religion over medicine again after their 2-year-old son, Kent Schaible, died from bacterial pneumonia in 2009.
But on Monday, the Rhawnhurst couple sat together again in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court, silent and somber as a judge skewered them for "grossly and disastrously" violating their probation when they watched Brandon, just shy of 8 months old, die last week.
"I am sorry for your loss. Deeply sorry," Judge Benjamin Lerner told the couple. "But in all honesty, I am more sorry for the fact that this innocent little child will not be able to grow up to be what he wanted to be."
Herbert and Catherine Schaible belong to the First Century Gospel Church, a fundamentalist congregation on G Street near Annsbury in Juniata Park, that believes in faith healing. The couple were convicted of involuntary manslaugher for Kent's death and sentenced to 10 years of probation that included strict requirements for medical care for their remaining children.
当局によれば、先週、Herbert and Catherine Schaible夫妻は自分たちの息子Brandon Schaibleが下痢に苦しんで、夜通し泣いているのを聞いていて、呼吸困難に陥ったことに気づくと、夫妻は息子が息を引き取るまで、祈った。
夫妻は、2009年に2歳の息子Knet Schaibleを細菌性肺炎で死なせた後の2011年に、裁判官に宗教を医療に優先させた選択をしないと告げた。
「私は、あなたがたが、ご子息を亡くしたことを気の毒に思います。しかし、正直に言えば、無垢な小さな子供が、成りたかったものに成長することができなくなったことを、より気の毒に思っています。」とBenjamin Lerner裁判官は述べた。
夫妻は、Juniata ParkのAnnsbury近くのG Streetにある、信仰療法を信じる原理主義集会であるFirst Century Gospel Churchに所属している。夫妻は過失致死で有罪判決を受けて、残る子供たちに対する医療についての厳格な要件を含む保護観察10年を宣告されていた。
The Schaibles had not been charged as of Monday night. Authorities were awaiting results of an autopsy, Pescatore said in court Monday.
The Schaibles gave statements to investigators last week, Lerner said, both admitting they believed that prayer was the best remedy for Brandon's suffering.
"When asked why you didn't call a doctor or seek a medical professional, you said, 'Because we believe God wants us to ask him for healing,' " Lerner said. "You did that once, and the consequences were tragic."
Lerner said the couple "knowingly, intentionally, hypocritically and callously violated" the most important term of their probation. But he did not detain them Monday because their remaining seven children already had been removed from the home by the Department of Human Services. The couple could face five to 10 years in prison for the probation violation.
"You are not a danger to the community," Lerner said. "You are a danger to your children."
夫妻は月曜夜までは起訴されない。当局は検死結果を待っていると、Joanne Pescatore地方検事補は述べた。
夫妻は先週、捜査官に対して、Brandonの苦しみ対する最善の治療法は祈りであると信じていたことを認める声明を手渡したと、Benjamin Lerner裁判官は述べた。「私があなたがたに、医師あるいは医療専門家を呼ばなかったのか理由を問うと、『私たちは神が私たちに治癒を神に祈ることを求めていると信じているから』と答えました。あなたがたはそれを一度しました。その結果は悲劇でした」とLerner裁判官は述べた。
[JASON NARK: "Judge rebukes Rhawnhurst couple over death of another child"]
A neighbor of the Schaibles who did not want his name published said Herbert and Catherine Schaible are decent people who raise great kids. They just have one flaw.
"The only thing I can say bad about them is they never took them to the hospital," the man said. "They have one flaw, and this one flaw should make them go to jail."
[JASON NARK: "Judge rebukes Rhawnhurst couple over death of another child"]
なお、このような悲劇をもたらしたFirst Century Gospel Churchは、報道機関に対して沈黙を守っている。
posted by Kumicit at 2013/04/23 22:04
