[via PvM: RNA Designed to Evolve? (2007/03/10) on Panda's Thumb]
I’m currently working through Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems, and came across the following information which seems to be right in line with Denton’s evolution by natural law ideas:RNAをめぐる進化がわりと簡単であることがわかって、Uncommon Descentのインテリジェントデザイン支持な住人は...
私は生物システムの堅牢性と進化能力について調べていて、Dentonの自然法則による進化に沿って正しいと思われる次の情報に遭遇した:A final, especially counterintuitive feature of RNA sequence space is that all frequent structures are near each other in sequence space. Consider a randomly chosen sequence that folds into a frequent structure and ask how far one has to step away from the original sequence to find a sequence that folds into this second structure... For instance, for RNAs of length n = 100 nucleotides, a sphere of r = 15 mutational steps contains with probability one a sequence for any common structure. This implies that one has to search a vanishingly small fraction of sequence space…to find all common structures.
最終的に直感に反するRNAシーケンス空間の特徴は、すべての頻出する構造が、シーケンス空間内の近いところにあるということだ。よくある構造のひとつをランダムに選んで、第2の構造を見つかるまでの距離を考えてみよう。たとえば、長さn = 10の0ヌクレオチドのRNAのために、いかなる一般構造のシーケンスもr=15の突然変異ステップに確率1で含まれる。すべての一般構造を見つけるのに、シーケンス空間の非常に小さい部分をさがせばよいことを意味する。
なお、Uncommon Descentのコメント欄はモデレートされているの敵対的なコメントは掲載されないか、されても削除される。従って、おおよそ親インテリジェントデザインなコメント群のみのはずなのだが...
[1] Joseph「インテリジェントデザインは反進化論ではない」と言っている住人たちがいる。進化の方法が「ランダムな突然変異」ではなく「デザインだ」という主張。これはインテリジェントデザイン支持者共通理解ではなく、このUncommon Descentで見られる現象。
"Designed to evolve" -- That is a phrase that every IDist should use regularly.
That one simple phrase makes it clear that ID is NOT anti-evolution, along with demonstrating the debate is all about mechanisms- culled genetic accidents vs. design.
And by design it is meant that there is, at a minimum, a goal/ target, ie purpose to the evolutionary process.
「進化するようにデザインされている」-- このフレーズはすべてのインテリジェントデザイン支持者がいつも使うべき言葉だ。
この唯一つの単純なフレーズがインテリジェントデザインが反進化論でないことを明らかに示す。そして議論が、遺伝子の事故の機械論的選別 vs デザインであることを明示する。
[3] idnet.com.auその昔、ダーウィンは自然選択だと選択者の存在を示唆するので、適者生存という用語も併置した。その理由がわかるようなコメント。それはさておき、なんだかんだ言いつつ「進化するようにデザインされた」に同意。
"This implies that one has to search a vanishingly small fraction of sequence space...to find all common structures."
Who is the “one” who searches the space?
Does this not rather imply that in naturalistic models of origins a vanishingly small fraction of sequence space must be found by chance in the first place to make any one of the known useful structures. In real living systems the structures are only of any use at all when they are organised in a coordinated group.
Does this not imply that RNA is designed around a tight set sequence space because of constructional and functional constraints?
このパターンはDembski自身もナイロンを食べるバクテリアの進化で、「簡単な突然変異で発現するようにデザインされたかもしれない」という形で使っている[忘却からの帰還: ナイロンを食べるバクテリアは進化の証拠ではない by Dembski]。
[5] Jehuここでようやく、「進化するようにデザインされた」を許さない住人登場か?
Designed to evolve? This just seems silly. You reduce ID to a tautology. First you argue, it couldn’t have evolved by random chance. Then when random chance is not a problem, you argue it was designed to evolve.
進化するようにデザインされているだって? それは馬鹿みたいだ。それではインテリジェントデザインはトートロジーになる。まず、それは偶然では進化できないという。偶然が問題にならなくなると、それは進化するようにデザインされていると言う。
As for the phrase “RNAs of length n = 100 nucleotides, a sphere of r = 15 mutational steps contains with probability one a sequence for any common structure.” Can you elaborate on what that means?
「長さn = 10の0ヌクレオチドのRNAのために、いかなる一般構造のシーケンスもr=15の突然変異ステップに確率1で含まれる」というフレーズについて、それが意味するところをどう言う?
[6] Joseph始めの勢いから馬鹿をさらすかと思いきや、まっとうなインテリジェントデザインな引用をするJosephである。何が何でもデザインだという拠点死守作戦はしないというもの。Jehu:
Designed to evolve? This just seems silly.
進化するようにデザインされているだって? それは馬鹿みたいだ。
Is it more silly than “evolved by culled genetic accidents”?
We have to weigh the data against the options.
You reduce ID to a tautology.
I call it a starting point from which to launch our investigation. Design is an impetus.
First you argue, it couldn’t have evolved by random chance.
First we argue there isn’t any evidence to support random chance. Then we say we know intelligent agencies can produce things like that. It's the ole “data v options” thingy.
Then when random chance is not a problem, you argue it was designed to evolve.
This is what is said:
これは、言われた内容だIntelligent design is a good explanation for a number of biochemical systems, but I should insert a word of caution. Intelligent design theory has to be seen in context: it does not try to explain everything. We live in a complex world where lots of different things can happen. When deciding how various rocks came to be shaped the way they are a geologist might consider a whole range of factors: rain, wind, the movement of glaciers, the activity of moss and lichens, volcanic action, nuclear explosions, asteroid impact, or the hand of a sculptor. The shape of one rock might have been determined primarily by one mechanism, the shape of another rock by another mechanism.
Similarly, evolutionary biologists have recognized that a number of factors might have affected the development of life: common descent, natural selection, migration, population size, founder effects (effects that may be due to the limited number of organisms that begin a new species), genetic drift (spread of “neutral,” nonselective mutations), gene flow (the incorporation of genes into a population from a separate population), linkage (occurrence of two genes on the same chromosome), and much more. The fact that some biochemical systems were designed by an intelligent agent does not mean that any of the other factors are not operative, common, or important.
[7] nullasalusさらに、「何が何でもデザインだ!!」というわけではないというコメント。First you argue, it couldn’t have evolved by random chance. Then when random chance is not a problem, you argue it was designed to evolve.
Well, no, because ‘random chance’ doesn’t cease to be an issue here. The argument is that what looks like random chance actually is not. Someone here has used the casino argument before: If you have 1000 slot machines, ‘random chance’ is determining pretty much every pull of the lever. But the ultimate result - a profitable casino - was intentional.
In other words, “random v design” is a false argument, because design doesn’t argue the lack of randomness. I may be wrong, but even in the case of IC structures I don’t believe that the ID camp argues that the results are impossible without a miracle. They just argue that the presence of such structures indicates that certain results of evolution weren’t happy accidents, but may have been - through whatever process - intentional.
(For the record, even full-on darwinists would have to argue that not all known 'evolution' is random chance. They just think intelligent design occurred vastly later than when ID proponents think it showed up. Random chance as commonly defined didn't result in scottish terriers.)
[8] bFast「進化するようにデザインされている」=「フロントローディング」=「有神論的進化論」という連想が働きだしたようで、不断の介入を求める発言が...
“Designed to evolve” = the front-loading hypothesis. There’s a lot to be said for the front-loading hypothesis, but I personally am more convinced of frequent acts of agency. Though I think that life is designed to withstand, even periodically benefit from, random accidents, I don’t beleive that random accidents + the great cull engine in any way accounts for life’s divercity.
"evolved by culled genetic accidents" Now that defines the RM+NS hypothesis beautifully!
[9] EJ Klone"designers"と複数形で語るKloneは、デザイナーの意図を問うべきという"複数デザイナー理論"のようなことを言い出す。"Negative Argument"はインテリジェントデザインを証明しないというまっとなことを珍しくインテリジェントデザイン支持者から聞くことになるとは。
This is a fascinating concept, one that we shouldn’t pass up when putting together a comprehensive ID Theory. It’s one of the reasons why I criticize not considering the intentions of the designer - because through hypothesizing about those intentions, and their ability to fulfill those intentions, we can actually test our ideas.
In order to consider RNA and other aspects of organisms as "designed to evolve", then we must postulate that the designer(s) intended for their designs to be capable of some evolution.
Another reason why the negative argumentation strategy can run us into a dead end. Let's say that the designers made living organisms that could have evolved IC structures, but some of them didn't. Finding out whether or not it is possible to evolve them in that case would not de facto establish that it wasn't designed. Only by including the intentions and properties of the designers can we understand why certain organisms or structures within previously existing organisms were designed.
もうひとつの理由は、"Negative Argument"戦略がデッドエンドに突っ込むことになるからだ。デザイナーはある生物たちを還元不可能に複雑な構造を進化させられるようにし、他のものをそうしなかったと言おう。それが進化可能かどうかがわかっても、それがデザインされていないとは確認できない。デザイナーの意図と属性を考慮に加えることで、ある生物や構造が既存の生物の枠内でデザインされた理解できる。
[10] JehuさらにくいさがるJehuといったところ。
"Designed to evolve" is a real possibility for a design goal and we see it attempted with computer simulations. However, nothing you have said gets away from the fact that it reduces ID to a tautology.
IDist: “Evolution by random chance is impossible, it is outside the unverisal probability bound.”
Darwinist: “No it isn’t, see the probability of finding these RNA structures is quite good.”
IDist: “If the outcomes are probable then it must have been designed to evolve.
It heads you win, tails they lose.
一方、これを見ていたPanda's Thumbは
Panda's ThumbのPvMによる2007年3月10日付のエントリ「PvM: RNA Designed to Evolve?」の
Rupert Goodwinsによるコメントで:
Reading the rest of the discussion on UD, it seems as if they're inching their way towards the strong anthropic principle.なかなかわかりいいコメント。
Perhaps we could categorise all creationist theories along a scale from 0 to 100:
0 - No intentional act of creation, no creator
10 - Creator set in place physical laws for a universe, then stepped back
20 - Creator set in place physical laws designed to permit life, then stepped back
30 - Creator set in place physical laws designed to permit life, then made ongoing adjustments to results until basics of self-replicating life were in place
40 - As 30, except ongoing adjustments continued for elements of complex organisms
50 - As 40, except ongoing adjustments are continuing today
60 - Creator explicitly created complex organisms from nothing
70 - As 60, and ‘laws of physics’ are not as science thinks of them today
80 - As 70, except creation continues today
90 - All things exist under the direct and immediate control of the creator, nature is unknowable
100 - All things are just figments of the creator’s imagination
0 - 創造主の意図的行動なし・創造主なし
10 - 創造主は宇宙に物理法則を配備して、いなくなった
20 - 創造主は生物が出現する物理法則を配備して、いなくなった
30 - 創造主は生物が出現する物理法則を配備して、複製できる生物の基礎ができるまで調整を続けた
40 - 創造主は生物が出現する物理法則を配備して、複製できる生物の基礎ができ、複雑な器官の要素ができるまで調整を続けた
50 - 創造主は生物が出現する物理法則を配備して、複製できる生物の基礎ができ、複雑な器官の要素ができるまで調整を続けて、現在も調整を続けている
60 - 創造主は無から複雑な器官を直接創造した
70 - 創造主は無から複雑な器官を直接創造し、そのときの物理法則は現在のものとは違う
80 - 創造主は無から複雑な器官を直接創造し、そのときの物理法則は現在のものとは違い、現在も創造は続いている
90 - 万物は創造主の直接即時の制御のもとにあり、自然は不可知
100 - 万物は創造主の空想
Sort of a Richter scale for creationism. ID would sit, I think between 30 and 50 - but only because a step back to 20 would leave evolutionary theory entirely untouched and going to 60 would be indistinguishable from classic creationism even to them (although I don’t know what in ID prevents wholesale creation a la Genesis). The scale also doesn’t differentiate the idea that man was created directly by God, with everything else being as it appears, although it might be somewhere in the high 50s.
But the pressure is certainly on to move ID down the scale to the 20s, where strong anthropic theory lies, because until the ideas of specified complexity (or whatever it’s called today) have been shown to have validity there’s just no reason for ID to pick its ground any higher, except through belief.
The arguments in that UD discussion seem to implicitly accept that, since some of the participants are now saying “well, even if physical laws allow that [the small space in which RNA variations live] then how likely is THAT to just have happened? Eh? Eh? See! Proof!”
Uncommon Descentの議論は暗黙のうちにこれを受け入れているようだ。というのは、コメンターの一部が今や「RNAのバリエーションが狭い空間にあると物理法則が許しても、それが起きるのはどれくらいの確率だ?え?え?証明は?」と言っているからだ。
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