And it’s been more than two years since Iraqi authorities arrested Major General Jihad al-Jabiri, the army’s bomb squad commander, on corruption charges for taking bribes to purchase Mr. McCormick’s fake explosive detectors.イラクは、検問所などは別として、その他の場所では、だうじんぐマシンを使い続けるようである。
Yet throughout Iraq, uniformed security officers still carry the devices at military checkpoints, border crossings, airports and vulnerable government buildings, earnestly monitoring passing cars for hidden explosives.
Such scenes could almost be humorous if they weren’t so terribly tragic: As recently as yesterday some five car bombs killed at least 36 people in cities throughout southern Iraq. Analysts say Iraq now sees as an average of about 800 “violent events” each month. With sectarian violence once again on the rise, some analysts expect that figure to rise to as high as 1,500 per month by summertime.
イラク当局は軍の爆発物対策責任者であるJihad al-Jabiri少将を、McCormickのフェイクな爆発物探知機の調達に関する汚職で2年前に逮捕した。
The Iraqi government bought about 6,000 such devices for $40 million between 2008 and 2010, according to the BBC, which aired an investigation of Mr. McCormick in 2010. During the trial, the Old Bailey heard that Mr. McCormick had copied the design from a $20 novelty golf ball finder he had seen in the United States.
While many checkpoints use sniffing dogs and mirrors to check the undersides of truck and car carriages for bombs, Mr. McCormick’s so-called “ADE 651” is still the most ubiquitous of all bomb-detecting devices.
When asked why security forces still use such obviously fake gizmos, a spokesman for Iraq’s Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Sa’ad Ma’an, said the ADEs have a proven, if imperfect, track record.
“Our practical experience on the ground proved that this device is working and it helped us discover explosive materials and weapons,” he said. “So I’m not saying that the device is working 100%, but it helped us a lot.”
By way of an example, Brig. Gen. Ma’an said officers were able to identify and stop an explosives-laden car on Saturday. Security forces will continue to use the device until “we have a better and more efficient” alternative, he said.
2010年にMcCormickの調査を放送したBBCによれば、イラク政府はそのような装置約6000個を4000万ドルで2008〜2010年に調達した。裁判期間中、Old Bailey法廷で、McCormickは米国で見た20ドルのノベルティゴルフボールファインダーからデザインをコピーしたと証言した。
治安部隊がそのようなフェイクな防犯機器を使っているのか問われて、イラク内務省の広報担当であるSa'ad Ma'an准将は、ADEは実証されており、完全ではないが実績があると述べた。「実践での我々の実用上の経験は、この装置が機能し、爆発物及び爆弾の発見に役立つことを証明している。100%機能するとは言わないが、十分に役に立っている」と述べた。
例によって、Sa'ad Ma'an准将は土曜日に将校が爆発物搭載自動車を見つけて止めることができたと述べた。治安部隊は「より良く、効果的な」代替案が見つかるまで、この装置を使い続けるだろうと述べた。
[Bill Spindle: "Bomb Detectors May be a Fraud, But They’re Still Everywhere in Iraq" (2013/04/30) on WSJ via Doubtful News]
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