The dream of modernists was that science would be an adequate substitute for Truth. This is the case, however, only with matters like the ordinary laws of physics (apples fall down, not up) which are subject to direct experimental testing. Very few really interesting propositions (like Darwininan macroevolution, for example) can be tested so directly and conclusively. With respect to these more elusive matters, scientific theories rely on elaborate reasoning and sophisticated interpretation and rest on assumptions that are difficult or impossible to prove.機械論の成り立ちからすれば、自然界を記述する法則の巧妙さは、機械仕掛けの宇宙の設計者たる神を称揚する材料となるのだが、Phillip Johnsonはその立場にはない。
At times science can ever seem to make mockery of reality. The most impressive scientific theory of contemporary times is quantum mechanics, which in some interpreotations says that the exact location of a particle as a given time depends on whether somebody happens to be looking Quantum mechanics unquestionably works, but whether and in what sense it can be said to be true has just about everyone baffled. The result of such commonsense-defying theories has been to encourage speculation that the observer makes the world and even to foster the growth of intellectual movements that consider science itself to be only one way of interpreting the world. In other words modernists are rationalists; postmodernists are relativists.
[Phillip E. Johnson, Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, 1997, p.90]
そして、Phillip Johnsonは相対主義について続けて語る。それは、「理論採択基準によって科学の結論は変わる」という自ら掲げる「STSっぽい相対主義」とは別物のようだ。
Relativism is particularly hard to avoid in the realm of value, because one of the basic modernist assumptions is that "ought" cannot be derived from "is." Science may be able to tell us exactly how things happen but it cannot tell us whether anything is bad or good, beautiful or ugly. Only human (or God) can made moral or artistic judgments, and these judgments cannot be derived directly from mere facts. History may be able to tell us that most societies have condemned prostitution or homosexual behavior, but this fact cannot prove that such practics are "wrong" for us. After all, some of those same societies practiced barbaric cruelties and condoned slavery.Phillip Johnsonのような宗教右翼が相対主義(Relativism)という言葉を使うとき、その意味するところは、「倫理についての相対主義」である。
Why shouldn't we toss tradition overboard and base our ethical and artistic standards on our own desires? It is no good for parents to try to protect their children from the influence of thinkers like Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins or Richard Rorty. The prominent modernist and postmoderninst thinker embody philosophical currents that permeate academia and the media at every level -- in television series like Star Trek, for example.
伝統的な倫理及び美の基準を投げ捨てて、欲望を基礎とすべきではない。子供たちを、Carl SaganやRichard DawkinsやRichard Rortyのような思想家から守ろうとしても、うまくいかない。著名はモダニストとポストモダニストの思想家たちは、アカデミアやメディアのあらゆるレベルに、その哲学を浸透させている。たとえば、Star Trekのようなテレビシリーズで。
[Phillip E. Johnson, Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, 1997, p.90]
そして、「モダニスト」たちはあらゆる手段を通じて、その価値観を宣伝浸透させているとPhillip Johnsonは主張している。まあ、格調高く語っているつもりのようだが、例が「Star Trek」なので、チープな陰謀論に見えてしまうのが残念なところだが。