
進化関連ニュース2本に、創造論基本パターンで反応したKen Ham

まず、の2007年3月14日付のJoseph Hallによる記事「TB vaccine losing its power, study finds(研究により、結核ワクチンはその力を失ったことがわかった)」によれば:
The bacteria used for almost nine decades to make all the world's tuberculosis vaccines may have evolved to the point where it is almost useless in combating the disease, according to a new study involving Montreal's McGill University.

過去90年にわたって世界のTBワクチン製造に使われてきた細菌が、病気と戦うためにほとんど役に立たないところまで進化したことが、Montreal's McGill Universityの新たな研究でわかった。

An international effort to map and analyze the genome of bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has shown the organism, the key ingredient in all TB vaccines, has mutated significantly since it was first used in 1921. The study is to be published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online.


BCGゲノムのマッピングと分析の国際協力により、すべてのTBワクチンの鍵となる成分が、1921年に利用が始まって以来、大きく突然変異してきたことが明らかになった。この研究は今週Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Onlineに発表される。

McGill researcher Dr. Marcel Behr says the organism may have lost key protective parts through evolution, but stopped short of saying it has no benefit.

McGillの研究者Dr. Marcel Behrは「細菌が進化によって、重要な保護部分を失ったかもしれないが、利点がなくなったまで言うには至っていない」と言った。
これに対して、"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesisの主宰Ken Hamは2007年3月16日に:
The bacteria are still bacteria and have lost something—this is not molecules-to-man evolution, but the opposite of such a process. However, many gullible in the public will think these scientists have shown evidence for Darwinian “evolution.”

[Bacteria evolving and tuberculosis problem]

続いて、National Geographicの2007年3月14日付のJames Owenによるオンライン記事「Interspecies Sex: Evolution's Hidden Secret?によれば:
The act of mating with a species other than your own may not be as ill advised or peculiar as it seems.


Recent research indicates that hybridization is not only widespread in nature but it might also spawn many more new species than previously thought.


A growing number of studies has been presented as evidence that two animal species can combine to produce a third, sexually viable species in a process known as hybrid speciation. Newly identified examples include both insects and fish.


This evolutionary process, while known to be common in plants, has long been considered extremely rare among animals.
Animals are generally thought to evolve the opposite way, when a single species gradually splits into two over many generations.
But some scientists now believe that the behavior that has been called animals' sexual blunders could be an important force in their evolution.

一部の科学者たちは、動物のSexual Blunderと呼ばれる行動が、進化における重要な力たりうるかもしれないと考えている。
これに対して、"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesisの主宰Ken Hamは2007年3月17日に:
They call this “evolution.’ However, creationists would say that this just shows the particular interbreeding species are all a part of the same KIND. The hybrids produced don’t support molecules to man evolution, as no new information is formed in the genes—just a different combination of genes from the organisms that were obviously all from the same KIND anyway!

進化論者はこれを進化と呼ぶ。しかし、創造論者はこれらの異種間交雑は同じ"KIND"の中のものだと言うだろう。交雑は、分子から人間への進化を支持しない。明らかに同じ"KIND"の生物からの遺伝子の異なる組み合わせは、新しい情報を生まない。[Interbreeding species is evolution?]

2007年3月14日付で進化論なニュースが2本あったので、主宰Ken Hamが3月16日と3月17日に、とりあえず創造論基本パターンで反応したというところ。仕事熱心というか、律儀というか...

posted by Kumicit at 2007/03/19 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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