
論争を製造する否定論 - Manufactroversy

Brown & Williamsonは2004年にRJ Reynoldsと合併するまで存在していた、米国のタバコ会社である。米国のタバコ会社の内部文書が現在は公開されているが、その中でも非常に有名なものが、このBrown & Williamsonの1969年の「反タバコ勢力に対抗する宣伝」についての会議の記録である。
[Smoking and Health Proposal on Anne Landman's Collection on Tobacco Documents Online]
[Date: 1969, 690010951-690010959, snapshot_bw 0000332506]

Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the "body of fact" that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy, Within the business we recognize that a controversy exists. However, with the general public the consensus is that cigarettes are in some way harmful to the health. If we are successful in establishing a controversy at the public level, then there is an opportunity to put across the real facts about smoking and health. Doubt is also the limit of our "product". Unfortunately, we cannot take a position directly opposing the anti-cigarette forces and say that cigarettes are a contributor to good health. No information that we have supports such a claim. Truth is our message because of its power to withstand a conflict and sustain a controversy (Pages 4-5)



この文書は、論争を自ら創りだして、自らの権益を守る手法の例として、1981年7月にSpokane Daily Chronicleなどのメディアで報道され、世に知られている。

[Leah Ceccarelli: "Manufactroversy -- The Art of Creating Controversy Where None Existed (2008/04/11) on Science Progress]

Manufactroversy (măn’yə-făk’-trə-vûr’sē)
N., pl. -sies.

1. A manufactured controversy that is motivated by profit or extreme ideology to intentionally create public confusion about an issue that is not in dispute.


2. Effort is often accompanied by imagined conspiracy theory and major marketing dollars involving fraud, deception and polemic rhetoric.


With all the sophisticated sophistry besieging mass audiences today, there is a need for the study of rhetoric now more than ever before. This is especially the case when it comes to the contemporary assault on science known as manufactured controversy: when significant disagreement doesn’t exist inside the scientific community, but is successfully invented for a public audience to achieve specific political ends.

  • The Discovery Institute's campaign against evolution to "teach the controversy";
  • The campaign to deny the Holocaust happened;
  • The campaign of climate change deniers;
  • The campaign of the HIV/AIDS deniers;
  • The campaign to deny the Apollo moon landing;
  • The campaign to blame autism on vaccines;
  • The campaign of the "9/11 truthers" to deny a conspiracy by Muslim fanatics;
  • The campaign to scare people into believing that cell phones cause brain cancer;
  • The campaign by parapsychologists to convince the public that psi phenomena have been proven to exist in scientific studies;
  • The various campaigns that aim to show that acupuncture, homeopathy, and other so-called alternative medicines work better than placebos.
これらのうち、インテリジェントデザインは2005年のKitzmiller v. Dover裁判以降、報道などで科学だと認められることはなくなっている(STS学者Steve Fullerは支援を続けているが)。また、HIV/AIDS否定論も、その中心地だった南アフリカから否定論者たちが退場したことで、下火になっている。

この他「携帯電話で脳腫瘍」は電波グッズ販売業者Roger Coghillの商売の手段である。これに「科学」らしき背景を与え、「学術誌」のようなものに宣伝機会を提供していたのが、アカデミアの常勤ポストを得たことのない市井の科学者Dr Christopher Busbyである。これについては以前、触れた

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