
Discovery InstituteのシニアフェローWesley J Smithが語る人間例外主義者

インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのシニアフェローであるWesley J Smithは自ら「人間例外主義者」を称し、その重要性を語る。以下は2009年のインタビュー記事から。
These are uncertain times. The new presidential administration appears eager to open the floodgates on scientific attitudes, practices, and procedures that endanger human life, but what does the future really hold for those of us who treasure humanity and fear its -devaluation?

Who better to ask than Wesley J. Smith, a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute, an attorney for the Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, and a special consultant to the Center for Bioethics and Culture. Smith is also a self-identified “human exceptionalist,” and he explains here why we would do well to join him in this regard.


Discovery Instituteのシニアフェローであり、安楽死や自殺幇助についてのタスクフォースの弁護士であり、そして生命倫理文化センタの特別コンサルタントであるWesley J, Smith以上に問うべき相手はいないだろう。Wesley J Smithは自ら「人間例外主義者」を称し、これについて何故とも歩まねばならないか説明する。
KA: What is “human exceptionalism,” and how does it relate to bioethics?

WJS: It’s a term that I may have coined, and it refers to the sheer moral importance of believing in the unique value of human beings. We seem to be entering an era in which humanity is viewed as irrelevant by many very powerful political and cultural forces. Does human life have intrinsic moral value simply and merely because it is human life? Our answer to this question will tell us all we need to know about what sort of society we’ll be looking at in the next couple of years. If the answer is “yes,” then we can create a bioethics that stands for the sanctity and equality of all human life. If the answer is “no,” then we need to ask an additional question: What is the attribute that confers moral value?

おそらく私が造語した言葉で、人間の固有の価値を信じる巨大な倫理的重要性を指す。我々は、人間性が多くの強力な政治的及び文化的力とは無関係だとみる時代に突入したようである。人間の生命、単に人間の生命であるが故に、本質的倫理価値を持っているのだろうか? この問いに対する我々の回答は、今後数十年において、我々が見るであろう社会について、知る必要があることを告げることになる。「イエス」なら、すべての人間の声明が尊厳と平等を持つ生命倫理を創れるだろう。「ノー」なら、我々さらに問わなければならない。「倫理価値を付与する属性とは何か?」と。

KA: How are people answering this second question?

WJS: Well, Princeton professor Peter Singer, who is the world’s foremost proponent of infanticide, insists that what actually matters is having sufficient cognitive capacity or being self-aware over time−that sort of thing. Thus, fetuses and embryos are not people, nor are newborn infants. People such as Terri Schiavo, who have lost these capacities, are also deemed nonpersons. You can now find advocacy in the literature of bioethics to either remove the right to life from so-called nonpersons or use them as natural resources−for organ harvesting or in experimentation. Once you accept the premise that being human is not what gives you value, then you’ve thrown universal human rights out the window. If you do not accept the concept of human exceptionalism−the innate value of human life−then you are letting those in power decide who has value. Might is making right.

さて、子殺しの世界有数の提唱者であるPrincetonのPeter Singer教授は、「問うべきは、十分な認知能力を持っているか、あるいはそのようなことを十分な時間にわたり自己認識しているかである」と主張している。したがって、胎児や胚は人間ではなく、新生児も人間ではない。このような能力を喪失した、Terri Shiavoのような人々は、人間とはみなされない。生命倫理の文献を読めば、いわゆる人間ではない者から人権を剥奪するか、臓器資源あるいは実験材料として使うことを主張する者たちがいることに気づくだろう。人間であることが、そらでけでは価値を意味するものではないという命題をひとたび認めれば、普遍的人権を投げ捨てることになる。人間の生命の生得的価値たる、人間例外主義の考えを受け入れないなら、誰に価値があるかの判断を権力に委ねることになる。力こそ正義に。

[Kevin Allen: "THE HUMAN EXCEPTIONALIST - AN INTERVIEW WITH WESLEY J. SMITH" (2009/10/12) on Salvo Magazine]
Wesley J Smithの挙げる第一の論点は、臓器移植とおそらく脳死である。そして、その背後に、功利主義に基礎を置くポストキリスト教さらにはアンチキリスト教の倫理哲学を見ている。
KA: What are the motives that underlie the challenges to human exceptionalism?

WJS: I think what we’re experiencing is a coup d’culture in which the Judeo-Christian and humanistic belief in the central importance of human life and human thriving is being supplanted by a post-Christian, even anti-Christian moral philosophy based on utilitarianism. There’s also a lot of hedonism in this -philosophy−not just sensuality, but the idea that there can be no moralizing about personal behavior, that we have the right to scratch every itch and indulge every impulse.

The other component here is radical environmentvalism, where humanism has morphed into anti-humanism. Here, human beings are the problem; we are a vermin species on the living planet Gaia, which means that we need to reduce the human population to under a billion−a move that would require very drastic and draconian actions. So this coup d’culture is something that must be resisted. Most people aren’t even aware that it’s happening, and this is why I find myself expanding my thinking, writing, and lecturing beyond bioethical issues toward this broader matter of standing up for human exceptionalism−for the importance of being human.



[Kevin Allen: "THE HUMAN EXCEPTIONALIST - AN INTERVIEW WITH WESLEY J. SMITH" (2009/10/12) on Salvo Magazine]


KA: Where does President Barack Obama stand on these bioethical issues?
この生命倫理問題のどこにBarack Obam大統領は立っているのでしょうか?

WJS: Certainly on the abortion issue, Obama is one of the most radical anti-pro-life (if I can use that term) presidents we’ve ever had, at least based on his voting record in Illinois and his presidential actions thus far. He has already rescinded the Mexico City Policy so that American public funding will now be used to promote abortion overseas. He has also said that he will sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which will infringe on our democratic right to have limitations or regulations on abortion. His agenda seems to be to eliminate any democratic discussion of the issue of abortion.

I’m not sure where Obama stands on assisted suicide. He was asked about this once when he was visiting Oregon, and he said that he was against assisted suicide, but that it was also between doctors and their patients. I definitely don’t think that he will make any effort to use federal law to inhibit the legalization of assisted suicide.

As far as cloning and embryonic stem-cell research go, I think that this administration and Congress will legalize human cloning for research. And I believe that, even though there is a lot of discussion right now about universal human rights and so forth, the people in political ctasontrol will go along with this idea of utilitarianism. These are very dark days that we are entering, which means that people must not only stand up for what is right in the public square, but when things become legal, they must continue to do what is right, regardless of its legality.

確かに、中絶問題について、Obamaは(この言葉を使ってよいなら)イリノイ州での採決記録及び大統領職としての行動からするなら、史上最もラジカルな反プロライフな大統領の一人だ。彼はMexico City Policy[中絶のサービスを行う機関やNGOに対しては資金援助を行わないというグローバル・ギャグ・ルール]を撤回し、米国人の税金を海外の中絶推進にも使おうとしている。さらに、Freedom of Choice Actに署名すると述べた。これは中絶に対する制限や法規制を行う、我々の民主的権利を侵害するものだ。



Kevin Allen: "THE HUMAN EXCEPTIONALIST - AN INTERVIEW WITH WESLEY J. SMITH" (2009/10/12) on Salvo Magazine]
最後に、「人間例外主義」という名称のもとというべき論点をWesley J Smithは挙げる。
KA: Can you address some of the challenges to human exceptionalism that are occurring outside the United States−such as the Great Ape Project and granting rights to nature?
大型類人猿プロジェクト(Great Ape Project=GAP)や自然への権利保護のような、米国外で起きている、人間例外主義への挑戦について述べてください。

WJS: The Great Ape Project was started by Peter Singer in 1993 and seeks to create a “moral community of equals” among human beings, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonoboos. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but Spain is on the verge of legalizing the Great Ape Project. It will reduce humanity from a unique species to just another one of the great apes. Singer argues that this will break the species barrier and remind us that we are merely another animal in the forest. Meanwhile, Switzerland is protecting the “intrinsic value” of plants, insisting that if a farmer intentionally “decapitates” a wildflower, he has committed a moral wrong.

Darwinists and other materialists contend that no species distinctions are legitimate because we all share the same genes and evolved out of the same primordial ooze. Well, if they really wanted to be reductionist, they could also say that, because carrots are made out of carbon molecules, there is no distinction between carrots and humans either. Come to think of it, this is actually what Switzerland is saying by declaring that there is an intrinsic value to plants. You can’t get far enough ahead of these guys in terms of satire; they will always catch up with you.

Oh, and Ecuador just passed a constitution that confers rights on nature, making it coequal with humans. Such radical environmentalism is part of the anti-humanism that is on the rise throughout the world. •

大型類人猿プロジェクトは1993年にPeter Singerによって始められたもので、人間とゴリラとチンパンジーとオラウータンとボノボの倫理的平等コミュニティを創ろうとするものだ。馬鹿げた話だが、スペインでは大型類人猿プロジェクトは合法化の危機にある。これは人間の価値を、唯一無二の種から、ただの大型類人猿の一種へと引き下げる。Peter Singerは、これが種の壁を壊し、我々は単に森の中にいる別の動物であることを思い出させるものだと主張している。スイスでは植物の本質的価値を保護しており、もし農家が意図的に雑草駆除すると、倫理的に間違った行為を犯したことになる。


[Kevin Allen: "THE HUMAN EXCEPTIONALIST - AN INTERVIEW WITH WESLEY J. SMITH" (2009/10/12) on Salvo Magazine]

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