
「地球を人間より上位に置いた世界観」を批難するRick Santorum (2012年)

昨年(2012年)2月に、まだ共和党大統領候補の座をめぐって戦っていたRick Santorumも、温暖化否定について神を持ち出していた。
“We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth, to use it wisely and steward it wisely, but for our benefit not for the Earth’s benefit,” Santorum told an audience at the Colorado School of Mines where he was a guest speaker Monday at the Colorado Energy Summit.

“We are the intelligent beings that know how to manage things and through the course of science and discovery if we can be better stewards of this environment, then we should not let the vagaries of nature destroy what we have helped create,” Santorum said to applause from the conservative crowd.



[Troy Hooper: "Santorum and Gingrich dismiss climate change, vow to dismantle the EPA" (2012/02/06) on Colorado Independent]
The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania argued that science has been hijacked by politicians on the left, and that climate change is “an absolute travesty of scientific research that was motivated by those who, in my opinion, saw this as an opportunity to create a panic and a crisis for government to be able to step in and even more greatly control your life,” Santorum said.

“I for one never bought the hoax. I for one understand just from science that there are one hundred factors that influence the climate. To suggest that one minor factor of which man’s contribution is a minor factor in the minor factor is the determining ingredient in the sauce that affects the entire global warming and cooling is just absurd on its face.



[Troy Hooper: "Santorum and Gingrich dismiss climate change, vow to dismantle the EPA" (2012/02/06) on Colorado Independent]

Rick Santorum本人はキリスト教信仰として語っているが、米国保守思想の精髄でもある人間例外主義に基づく次の点は基本と言えば基本:
"I just said that when you have a worldview that elevates the Earth above man and says that we can't take those resources because we're going to harm the Earth;


[Leigh Ann Caldwe: "Santorum: Obama's worldview upside-down" (2012/02/19) on CBSnews]
posted by Kumicit at 2013/06/22 17:26 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Sound Science | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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