

Additions of electric power generation capacity are not keeping pace with Texas' rising demand for electricity, particularly during peak-hours. A robust economy and population growth spurred the need for more electricity supply, according to the grid operator Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).


ERCOT, the grid operator for most of Texas, warned that regulatory and market uncertainty would limit incentives for investment in new sources of power supply within the region, which causes the risk of narrowing reserve margins.

It's deemed "alarming" that ERCOT is the only region in the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's (NERC) 2013 Summer Reliability Assessment with a reserve margin below target level, which is based on the highest, or peak, hour of demand during the summer.


Missing out on targeted 13.75% reserve margin (供給予備力目標13.75%を下回る)

For the second year in a row, ERCOT has been below its target reserve margin of 13.75 percent.

This poses the risk that during extended periods of high temperatures (similar to the record-breaking summer of 2011) combined with unplanned outages of some generation or transmission capacity may push demand for electric power higher than the available supply, analysts at the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) warned.

"In extreme cases this can lead to increased calls on emergency demand response programs or even rolling blackouts," they said.

Texas' electric system is expected to have 1,032 more megawatts of capacity available this summer compared with last summer, the grid operator forecast.

"However, the most recent economic forecasts for the state raised expectations of demand for electricity−particularly in areas of West Texas with increased oil and natural gas drilling−that have outstripped the capacity additions," according to EIA analysts.




[Capacity additions don't keep pace with Texas' rising peak-hour demand (2013/06/25) on GasToPower Journal]
Only four days into summer and Texans have already racked up a yearly peak for electricity usage, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

ERCOT reported Monday that electricity demand topped 60,000 megawatts for the first time in 2013. The grid has a maximum output of more than 64,000 megawatts, according to ERCOT.

Temperatures reached the mid to high-90s in North Texas, and they're expected to hit triple digits by the end of the week.

The sweltering summer of 2011 set the standard for electricity demand - with a record-breaking 70 days of 100 degrees or higher in Dallas, according to the National Weather Service.

ERCOT manages electricity for 23 million Texas customers, which represents 85 percent of the state's electric load.


気温はテキサス北部で35〜37℃に達しており、週末には38℃に到達すると予測されている。National Weather Serviceによれば、Dallasで記録破りの70日間38℃以上を記録した2011年夏の猛暑が、電力需要の基準値となっている。ERCOTは2300万人のテキサス州顧客に電力を供給しており、これはテキサス州全体の需要の85%に相当する。

[Ben Russell:"ERCOT Reaches Electricity Peak" (2013/06/25) on NBC]

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