


University of LondonとUniversity of Sussexを卒業し、Nelson Mandela政権では副大統領を務め、その後は10年間にわたり大統領職について、経済運営に成功した南アフリカのThabo Mbeki元大統領も、そのひとりだ。知性という点で問題のない人物であり、自らも調べ考える人だった。だからこそ、彼はHIV否定論を信じた...


Thabo Mbeki氏は1942年生まれで、南アフリカの副大統領補[1994〜1996]・副大統領[1996〜1999]・大統領[1999〜2008]を務めた。これまでも取り上げてきたように、Thabo Mbeki前大統領は「HIVはAIDSの原因ではない」というHIV否定論を信じている。

ただし、そもそも南アフリカにおけるHIV感染拡大はThabo Mbeki前大統領の責任ではない。
このような状況を見ると、南アフリカはどうしようもない国に思えるかもしれない。しかし、実際はそうではない。たとえば、HIVの感染拡大と並行して、経済は順調に成長している[via Seth Kalichman]。
constant 2000 price current price 妊婦の
(R Million)
(R Million)
(R Million)
(R Million)
19947045507794244401454821207.64月27日Nelson Mandela
199980270888536573887481368422.46月14日Thabo Mbeki
20081159312127171720534872283777 9月25日Kgalema Motlanthe

[Statistical release P0441 -- Gross Domestic Product --Annual estimates per region 1995 – 2007,

ひとりあたりのGDPもCIA Factbookによれば$9963で世界61位、東南アジア諸国やロシアやブラジルやトルコや中国などよりも上位にある。豊かさの基準である1万ドルにほぼ到達している[Nation Master]。これはNelson Mandela政権もThabo Mbeki政権も経済運営を間違っていないことを示している。

もちろん、南アフリカには貧困問題がある。Nelson Mandela政権もThabo Mbeki政権もこれを重視し対策してきた。その結果、ゆっくりとではあるが、黒人の生活水準も向上している。




[Barbara A. Anderson and Mosidi S. Nhlapo: "Changes in Standard of Living Among Population Groups in South Africa: 1998-2006"

また、政情も安定してる。Thabo Mebki前大統領は普通に民主的な選挙で大統領に選出された。独裁者ではなく、メディアを支配することもなく、国内メディアはHIV否定論を信じるThabo Mebki前大統領を批判してきた。

教育水準にしても、成人の平均在学年数(Average years of schooling of adults )は6.1年と世界の中位であり、日本の9.5年から見ればかなり短い[Nation Master]。しかし、これは老人たちの在学年数も含まれたものであり、通学期間予測(School Life Expectancy)は14.1年であり、日本の14.3年と比べても遜色がない[Nation Master]。


Thabo Mbeki前大統領もHIV否定論以外は...

経済成長や貧困対策などを見る限り、Thabo Mbeki政権に特に問題は見られない。経済運営は以下のようなものである。
South African economic policy is fiscally conservative but pragmatic, focusing on controlling inflation, maintaining a budget surplus, and using state-owned enterprises to deliver basic services to low-income areas as a means to increase job growth and household income.


[CIA World Factbook via wikipedia]

民族主義を優先して経済に変調をきたさせるような面はThabo Mbeki前大統領にはない。

BBCもThabo Mbeki前大統領を批判する記事で、その知性について次のように言及している。
With an intellectual education, urbane manner and natty dress code, Mbeki carries himself well on the political stage, but refrains from the populist gestures and simple soundbites that would endear him to the masses.

Indeed, he spent 27 years in exile, matching the number of years Nelson Mandela spent in prison. Lacking the popular appeal of his predecessor, however, Mr Mbeki prefers to spend his time away from the crowds.

His intellectual detachment may prevent more blood being shed in his country than neighbouring Zimbabwe, and his foreign education allows him to see the long-term fiscal needs of South Africa.

知的な教育を受け、都会的で、こぎれいな服を着たThabo Mbekiは政治的舞台でうまくふるまっているが、大衆に彼を慕わせるようなポピュリズムなジェスチャーや単純なサウンドバイトを控えている。....

実際、彼は27年にわたて亡命先で過ごした。この年数はNelson Mandelaが刑務所の中で過ごした期間に匹敵する。彼の前任者であるNelson Mandelaのような大衆的人気はないが、Thabo Mbekiは群衆を離れて自分の時間を過ごすことを好んでいる。

[Thabo Mbeki: Following the fairytale (2001/06/15) on BBC]
Seth Kalichmanも自著"Denying AIDS"で、Thabo Mbeki前大統領がHIV否定論を信じた理由について述べる前に、こう書いている[p.133]。
The all consuming question is why? Why would President Mbeki, an otherwise seemingly intelligent man come to embrace denialism? From distance, one might assume it was the cost of the drugs. .... Economist Nicoli Nattrass has done extensive analyses that show the cost of providing treatment in South africa is offset by reducing workerabsenteeism, raising productivity, raising household incomes, and potentially reducing rate of HIV transmission. In addition, South Africa had turned away efforts to bring in HIV treatments at low cost as well as donated drug. Money was apparently no the motives for Mbeki's denialism.

そして問題は何故?何故、Mbeki大統領は、それ以外は知的な人物なのに、否定論を主張したのか? HIV治療薬のコストのせいではないかと思うかもしれない。エコノミストNicoli Nattrassは広範な分析を行い。南アフリカでHIV治療を行うコストは、労働者の欠勤率の減少や、生産性の向上や、過程収入の増大や、HIV感染率の低下などの効果で相殺されることを示した。また、南アフリカは寄付薬品や低コスト薬品でのHIV治療にも背を向けていた。お金は明らかにMbekiの否定論の動機ではなかった。

何故、Thabo Mbeki大統領はHIV否定論を信じたのか

Seth Kalichmanは自著"Denying, AIDS"で、Thabo Mbeki前南アフリカ大統領とHIV否定論のファーストコンタクトを以下のように記述している:
Mbeki's initial exposure to denialism is also said to have come through seeking out information from Duesberg associate David Rasnick. After speaking with Rasnick, Mbeki is said to have then turned to the Internet where he became absorbed in learning as much about AIDS as he could, unfiltered and regardless of source. His reliance on his own intellect along with his suspicion of the west, medicine, Big Pharma, and others for information left Mbeki against the notion that AIDS originated in Africa and that sexual behaviors of Africans would spread the disease any differently than anywhere else. His misperception seems to have been that the blame Africans were receiving for AIDS stemmed from old myths about African sexuality

Mbekiが最初にHIV否定論に触れたのは、Duesberg[HIV否定論の創始者]の同僚であるDavid Rasnickから情報を探し出したことだと言われている。Rasnickと会話後、Mbekiはインターネットに向かって、ソースを問わず、可能な限りAIDSについて調べたと言われている。彼自身の知性と西側・医薬品・巨大製薬会社・その他への疑念により、Mbekiは、AIDSがアフリカ起源で、アフリカ人の性行動によって世界のどこよりも感染が広まったという主張に反対した。彼の誤認は「アフリカ人がAIDSについて受けていた非難がアフリカ人の性行動についての古い神話によるものだ」というもののようだった。

[Seth Kalichman: "Denying, AIDS", pp.133-134, 2009]
そして、Mbeki政権のAIDSについての考え方を最もよく示しているのが、"Castro Hlongwane, Caravans, Cats, Geese, Foot & Mouth and Statistics: HIV/Aids and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African"という匿名文書だという。これはwikipdeiaによれば以下のようなものである:
Castro Hlongwane, Caravans, Cats, Geese, Foot & Mouth and Statistics: HIV/Aids and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African is an anonymously-authored document that was distributed to party members during the 51st National Conference of the African National Congress. The 114-page document alleges that presidential spokesperson Parks Mankahlana and AIDS/HIV icon Nkosi Johnson had died because of consumption of antiretrovirals. It was alleged that Peter Mokaba, a noted pro-AIDS reappraisal politician, had co-authored the document, even though it was written in a manner that was typical of a high-ranking leader within the party. The paper was derided by ANC member Dr. Saadiq Kariem as "ludicrous", and international criticism of the stance eventually forced Mbeki to back off from his public stance on AIDS reappraisal.

"Castro Hlongwane, Caravans, Cats, Geese, Foot & Mouth and Statistics: HIV/Aids and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African"は匿名文書で、南アフリカ与党"African National Congress"(ANC)の第51回大会で党員に配られた。114ページの文書は、大統領報道官Parks MankahlanaとAIDS/HIVのイコンであるNkosi Johnson[1989-2001]が抗レトロウィルス剤の使用によって死亡したと主張している。文書は党の上層指導者の典型的な記法で書かれているが、著名なAIDS再評価な政治家Peter Mokabaがこの文書の共著者だと疑われている。この文書はANC党員Dr. Saadiq Kariemによって、馬鹿げていると嘲笑された。そしてこのスタンスに対する国際的に批判により、最終的にMbekiはAIDS再評価運動としての公的スタンスから後退を余儀なくされた。

In 2007, a biography on Thabo Mbeki mentioned the author's secret contact with the president during the writing of the biography. Mbeki did not directly claim authorship of the document, but said it reflected his views.

2007年にThabo Mbekiの伝記で、伝記の著者が執筆中に、秘密裏にMbeki大統領[当時]にコンタクトしたと書いている。そのとき、Mbekiはその文書を自分で書いたとは言わなかったが、彼の見方を反映したものだと述べた。

[wikipdeia:Castro Hlongwane, Caravans, Cats, Geese, Foot & Mouth and Statistics: HIV/Aids and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African]

==>Castro Hlongwane, Caravans, Cats, Geese, Foot & Mouth and Statistics: HIV/Aids and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African [copy on virusmyth]

"This is the story: The world's biggest killer and the greatest cause of ill-health and suffering across the globe is listed almost at the end of the International Classification of Diseases. It is given the code Z59.5 - extreme poverty.


"Poverty is the main reason why babies are not vaccinated, why clean water and sanitation are not provided, why curative drugs and other treatments are unavailable and why mothers die in childbirth. It is the underlying cause of reduced life expectancy, handicap, disability and starvation. Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse. Every year in the developing world 12.2 million children under 5 years die, most of them from causes which could be prevented for just a few US cents per child. They die largely because of world indifference, but most of all they die because they are poor.



The great puzzle is why these friends of the Africans found the truth, as told by the WHO, so unpalatable. Medical science everywhere in the world recognises the central importance of diseases of poverty.


As we will demonstrate later, even the most highly developed countries in the world are themselves involved in a struggle against diseases of poverty within their own borders.

For some strange reason, Africa, among the poorest continents of the world, is not supposed to talk about these diseases of poverty and to focus on their eradication. We are urged from all sides to break the silence about HIV/AIDS and maintain perfect silence about the diseases of poverty.


It does not accept the assertion that only scientists and medical doctors are capable of understanding this medical condition. Written essentially by non-scientists, it nevertheless seeks to understand the scientific logic of the thesis of HIV/AIDS.


It accepts that there are many unanswered scientific questions about the HIV/AIDS thesis and many hypotheses about this matter that are falsely presented as facts.


It recognises the reality that there are many people and institutions across the world that have a vested interest in the propagation of the HIV/AIDS thesis, because they have too much to lose if any important element of this thesis is proved to be false.


It accepts that these include the pharmaceutical companies, which are marketing anti-retroviral drugs that can only be sold, and therefore generate profits, on the basis of the universal acceptance of the assertion that "HIV causes AIDS".

It also accepts that the HIV/AIDS thesis as it has affected and affects Africans and black people in general, is also informed by deeply entrenched and centuries-old white racist beliefs and concepts about Africans and black people. At the same time as this thesis is based on these racist beliefs and concepts, it makes a powerful contribution to the further entrenchment and popularisation of racism.


It further recognises the reality that, driven by fear of their destruction as a people because of an allegedly unstoppable plague, Africans and black people themselves have been persuaded to join and support a campaign whose result is further to entrench their dehumanisation.


In this context, it recognises the reality that in our own country, the unstated assumption about everything to do with HIV/AIDS is that, as a so-called "pandemic", HIV/AIDS is exclusively a problem manifested among the African people.

"It accepts that HIV may be one of the causes of this immune deficiency, but cannot be the only cause.


It accepts the proposition that currently existing kits used to check the existence or otherwise of HIV give a "positive" result in response to a variety of medical conditions.


Accordingly, it accepts the assertion that these kits do not establish the presence or absence in the human body of HIV.


It accepts the proposition that these kits detect the presence of antibodies produced by the immune system to fight conditions in the human body that the immune system identifies as a threat to good health.


It rejects as baseless and self-serving the assertion that millions of our people are HIV positive.


It accepts the proposition that anti-retroviral drugs can neither cure AIDS nor destroy the HI virus.


It therefore rejects the suggestion that the challenge of AIDS in our country can be solved by resort to anti-retroviral drugs.


It rejects the assertion that, among the nations, we have the highest incidence of HIV infection and AIDS deaths, caused by sexual immorality among our people.


It rejects the claim that AIDS is the single largest cause of death in our country.

このような主張をする匿名文書(Thabo Mbeki前大統領の考え方を反映し、与党ANCの2002年党大会で配布された)から、Seth Kalichmanは南アフリカにおけるHIV否定論を次のように評する:
In summary, it would seem that South Africa was fertile ground for denialism to take root. The vicious policies of colonialism and Apartheid created an immense distrust of white authority and the West. The Apartheid regime had even worked on biological weapon to control the black population in the event of civil war. African liberation brought dreams of self reliance -- African solutios for African problems. Long standing cultural taboos on discussing sex and sexuality reinforced denial, secrecy, and stigma. An understandable focus on poverty and the shadow that it casts on all health problems detracted from any one disease.

そのようは背景の中で、Thabo Mbeki前大統領個人の特性が悪い方向へ働いたとSeth Kalichmanは言う
South Africa had a president who was suspicious and self-reliant on interpreting information, even some of the most complex of biological science.

Thabo Mbeki前大統領は在職中の経済運営に大きな問題はなく、順調に南アフリカの経済を成長させ、貧困対策を前進させた。そのことは彼が有能であり賢明であることの証であり、それが故に自ら調べ、自らで判断できると信じたとして不思議ではない。そして彼は、インターネットを調べ、そこで得たネタを引用することを好んでいるという[wikipedia]。なので、HIV否定論が根づく肥沃な土壌のもとでは、HIV否定論にはまることは、避けがたかったかもしれない。

(以上、2009/04/02, 2009/04/03のエントリの再掲)

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