[Leznoff A.: "Provocative challenges in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity", J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997 Apr;99(4):438-42.]実験デザインとして、器官疾病か心理学的病気かを識別できておらず、不安症候群にも見えるというところ。
Whether multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is an organic disease initiated by environmental exposure or a psychologic disorder is a subject of controversy. The identification of pathophysiologic or psychophysiologic mechanisms occurring in patients with MCS after provocative challenges should be illuminating. Fifteen patients with MCS were challenged with their trigger substances and observed clinically. Prechallenge and postchallenge pulmonary function tests and PCO2, PO2, and oxygen saturation were measured. All of the patients whose symptoms were reproduced by the challenge (11 of 15) showed clinical evidence of acute hyperventilation with a rapid fall in PCO2 and no change or a rise in oxygen saturation. The symptoms and signs were consistent with an anxiety reaction with hyperventilation. Pulmonary function was unchanged; and recovery was rapid, aided in two cases by rebreathing into a paper bag. The most logical conclusion is that in these patients the MCS disorder is a manifestation of an anxiety syndrome triggered by their perception of an environmental insult, with at least some of their symptoms induced by hyperventilation.
[Bornschein S, Hausteiner C, Drzezga A, Bartenstein P, Schwaiger M, Förstl H, Zilker T.:"PET in patients with clear-cut multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).", Nuklearmedizin. 2002 Dec;41(6):233-9.]その後、メモ「MCS PET」で触れたように、2013年に別の研究者たちが「MCS患者は健常者比べて、臭いに対して反応しておらず、より危険回避行動をとっていることを示唆する研究」をPETを使って行っている。
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a controversially discussed symptom complex. Patients afflicted by MCS react to very low and generally non-toxic concentrations of environmental chemicals. It has been suggested that MCS leads to neurotoxic damage or neuroimmunological alteration in the brain detectable by position emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT). These methods are often applied to MCS patients for diagnosis, although they never proved appropriate.
We scanned 12 MCS patients with PET, hypothesizing that it would reveal abnormal findings.
Mild glucose hypometabolism was present in one patient. In comparison with normal controls, the patient group showed no significant functional brain changes.
This first systematic PET study in MCS patients revealed no hint of neurotoxic or neuroimmunological brain changes of functional significance.
目的: MCSはコントロヴァーシャルに議論される症状群である。MCS患者は微量で毒性のない量の環境化学物質に反応する。これは、MCSが脳内にPETやSPECTで検出可能な、神経毒ダメージあるいは神経免疫による変化を起こしていることを示唆している。これらはMCS患者の診断によく使われているが、適切な証明ができたことはない。
方法: 何らかの異常が見つかると仮定して、12名のMCS患者をPETでスキャンした。
結果: 1名に軽度の脳糖代謝低下が見られたが、有意な脳機能の変化は見られなかった。
結論: MCS患者に対する初のシステマティックなPET研究で、神経毒ダメージあるいは神経免疫による脳機能変化についての手掛かりは得られなかった。