The concepts underlying MCS were developed by allergist Theron G. Randolph, M.D. (1906-1995), who asserted that patients had become ill from exposures to substances at doses far below the levels normally considered safe. In the 1940s, he declared that allergies cause fatigue, irritability, behavior problems, depression, confusion, and nervous tension in children.これらのうち、食品についてJewett et al(1990)が、化学物質についてStaudenmayer et al(1993)とBornschein et al(2008)が、二重盲検により否定的な結果を出している。しかし、際限なくMCSの原因が挙げられているので、事実上、反証されることはなさそう。
MCSの基礎となる概念はアレルギー学者Theron G. Randolphによって構築された。彼は患者が、通常は安全だと考えられているより、はるかに低レベルの曝露で病気になると主張した。1940年代に、彼はアレルギーによって、子供たちに、疲労、神経過敏、問題行動、抑鬱、混乱、緊張が起きると明言した。
In the 1950s, Randolph suggested that human failure to adapt to modern-day synthetic chemicals had resulted in a new form of sensitivity to these substances. His concern with foods then expanded to encompass a wide range of environmental chemicals. Over the ensuing years, the condition he postulated has been called allergic toxemia, cerebral allergy, chemical sensitivity, ecologic illness, environmental illness (EI), immune system dysregulation, multiple chemical sensitivity, total allergy syndrome, total environmental allergy, total immune disorder syndrome, toxic response syndrome, 20th century disease, universal allergy, and many other names that suggest a variety of causative factors. These labels are also intertwined with Gulf War syndrome, sick building syndrome, toxic carpet syndrome, and other politically controversial diagnoses.
The complaints associated with these labels include depression, irritability, mood swings, inability to concentrate or think clearly, poor memory, fatigue, drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness, mental exhaustion (also called "brain fog" or "brain fag"), lightheadedness, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, wheezing, itching eyes and nose, skin rashes, headache, chest pain, muscle and joint pain, urinary frequency, pounding heart, muscle incoordination, swelling of various parts of the body, upset stomach, tingling of the fingers and toes, and psychotic experiences associated with schizophrenia. William J. Rea, M.D., who says he has treated more than 20,000 environmentally ill patients, states that they "may manifest any symptom in the textbook of medicine."
これらの名称に関連付けられた症状の訴えには、抑鬱、神経過敏、気分のむら、集中して明晰に考えらえない、記憶力の低下、疲労、眠気、下痢、便秘、眩暈、精神的な疲労(脳の霧や脳疲労と呼ばれる)、立眩み、くしゃみ、鼻水や鼻づまり、喘鳴、かゆみ目や鼻、皮膚の発疹、頭痛、胸の痛み、筋肉や関節の痛み、頻尿、動悸、筋肉の協調運動障害、身体の各部の腫れ、胃のむかつき、指や爪先のしびれ、統合失調症に関連した精神病経験などがある。20,000人以上の環境病患者を治療したと言っているWilliam J. Rea, M.D.は、医学の教科書に載っている、いかなる症状もありうると述べている。
MCS proponents suggest that the immune system is like a barrel that continually fills with chemicals until it overflows and symptoms appear. Some also say that a single serious episode of infection, stress, or chemical exposure can trigger "immune system dysregulation." The alleged stressors include practically everything that modern humans encounter, such as urban air; diesel exhaust; tobacco smoke; fresh paint or tar; organic solvents and pesticides; certain plastics; newsprint; perfumes and colognes; medications; gas used for cooking and heating; building materials; permanent press and synthetic fabrics; household cleaning products; rubbing alcohol; felt-tip pens; cedar closets; tap water; and even electromagnetic forces.
[Stephen Barrett, M.D.:"Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A Spurious Diagnosis" (2011/03/18) on Quackwatch]
QuackwatchのStephen Barrett, M.D.によれば、MCSとは、何んらかの微量の物質もしくは電磁波で、何らかの症状が起きるもののようである。