Pamela Reed Gibson, Amy Nicole-Marie Elms, and Lisa Ann Ruding: "Perceived Treatment Efficacy for Conventional and Alternative Therapies Reported by Persons with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity", Environmental Health Perspectives, VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 12 | September 2003自己申告で上位にランクインしたのは...
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a condition in which persons experience negative health effects in multiple organ systems from exposure to low levels of common chemicals. Although symptoms experienced from particular chemicals vary across persons, they are generally stable within persons. The sensitivities often spread over time, first to related chemicals and then to other classes of chemicals. This study examined self-reported perceived treatment efficacy of 101 treatments used by 917 persons with self-reported MCS. Treatments examined included environmental medicine techniques, holistic therapies, individual nutritional supplements, detoxification techniques, body therapies, Eastern-origin techniques, newer therapies, prescription items, and others. The three most highly rated treatments were creating a chemical-free living space, chemical avoidance, and prayer. Both creating a chemical-free living space and chemical avoidance were rated by 95% of respondents as helpful. Results for most therapies were mixed. Participants had consulted a mean of 12 health care providers and spent over one-third of their annual income on health care costs. We discuss this drain on personal resources and describe respondents’ attitudes toward the possibility of healing from MCS.
Key words: chemical hypersensitivity, chemical injury, environmental allergy, environmental illness, environmental sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 111:1498–1504 (2003). doi:10.1289/ehp.5936 available via [Online 9 April 2003]
Treatment 治療法 Number tried Harmed (%) No effect (%) Helped (%) Help・Harm ratio (%) Chemical-free living space ケミカルフリーの生活空間 820 0.6 4.5 94.8 155.2 Chemical avoidance 化学物質回避 875 0.8 4.7 94.5 118.6 Prayer 祈り 609 1.4 34.4 64.2 48.3 Meditation 瞑想 423 2.8 43.3 53.8 19.2 Acupressure 指圧療法 308 4.5 28.3 67.2 14.9 Touch for health タッチフォーヘルス 75 3.8 41.8 54.4 14.3 Air filter (to prevent exposure) エアフィルター(曝露防止) 786 6 11.8 82.1 13.7 Rotation diet ローテーションダイエット 560 5.7 22.1 72.2 12.7 Acidophilus 乳酸菌 661 4.1 44 52 12.7 Relocation 転地療法 513 7.4 6 86.6 11.7 Reflexology リフレクソロジー 204 4.8 38.5 56.6 11.6 Personal oxygen to cope with exposures 曝露に対処するための酸素吸入 326 7.3 14.2 78.4 10.6 Faith healing 信仰療法 127 4.7 51.6 43.8 9.3 Support group 支援グループ 520 8.7 15.5 75.9 8.7 Craniosacral work 頭蓋仙骨療法 270 6.6 36.6 56.7 8.6 Magnesium supplements マグネシウムサプリメント 644 6.1 41.4 52.4 8.6 Chiropractic with applied kinesiology アプライドキネシオロジーとカイロプラクティック 278 6.8 41.7 51.4 7.5 Nambudripad desensitization (NAET) 脱感作療法(NAET) 207 7.6 38.6 53.9 7.1 Aluminum foil to seal offgassing オフガス防止用アルミホイル 253 10.9 14.7 74.4 6.8 Massage マッサージ 501 8.7 32.5 58.8 6.8 Oxygen therapy 酸素療法 162 10.7 20.3 69 6.4 Reiki レイキ 170 7.5 44.6 47.8 6.4 Other mineral supplements その他のミネラルサプリメント 666 7.7 43.4 48.9 6.4 Charcoal mask チャコールマスク 598 12.8 9.8 77.4 6 Psychotherapy to cope with MCS MCSに対処するための心理療法 362 4.5 24.1 65 6 Intravenous magnesium マグネシウム静脈注入 175 11 25.5 63.5 5.8 Polarity balancing 極性バランシング 117 8.2 45.9 45.9 5.6 Herbal medicines ハーブ療法(漢方薬含む) 650 11.8 24.5 63.8 5.5 Other vitamin C その他ビタミンC 683 9.5 38.8 51.7 5.5 Vitamin E supplements ビタミンEサプリメント 709 7.2 53.1 39.6 5.4 Yoga asans (postures) ヨガアサナス(ポーズ) 260 8.9 41.9 49.3 5.5 Traditional chiropractic 伝統的カイロプラクティック 498 8.3 47.4 44.3 5.3 Acupuncture 鍼 422 10.2 36 53.8 5.3 Qi gong 気功 109 9.8 40.7 49.6 5.1 Milk thistle seed ミルクアザミの種子 458 9.7 41.6 48.7 5
Table 3. The highest rated of 101 treatments [Gibson et al 2003]
Treatment 治療法 Number tried Harmed (%) No effect (%) Helped (%) Help・Harm ratio (%) Zoloft ゾロフト 148 68.2 23.4 8.4 0.1 Prozac プロザック 183 59.1 25.8 15.1 0.3 Elavil エラヴィル(抗鬱剤) 149 57.5 27.3 15.2 0.3 Other antidepressants その他の抗鬱薬 306 50 27.2 22.7 0.5 Valium バリウム 125 44.7 34.3 20.9 0.5 Antiseizure medications (other than Neurontin) 抗痙攣薬(ニューロチン以外) 76 50.5 24.7 24.7 0.5 Xanax ザナックス 134 45.8 27.8 26.3 0.6 Microhydrin マイクロヒドリン 57 26.2 53.8 20 0.8 Acyclovir (Zovirax) アシクロビル(ゾビラックス) 68 33.4 40.7 25.9 0.8 P-N for chemicals with preservative 防腐剤入り化学物質徴発中和 159 40.1 25.4 34.4 0.9 Glutathione in nasal spray 鼻スプレーのグルタチオン 54 33.8 35.3 30.9 0.9 UltraClear ウルトラクリア 232 35.7 30.3 34 1 Hydrogen peroxide 過酸化水素 123 30.6 40.3 29.2 1
Table 4. Treatments rated more likely to harm than help. [Gibson et al 2003]