Scientists can disagree about lots of things, from the mundane (like what is the best kind of analytical instrument to use) to the profound (whether or not string theory, a recently developed theory in physics, is an accurate representation of reality). Two scientists disagreeing over an instrument or string theory – or even the interpretation of data – does not count as a controversy, however. A true scientific controversy involves a sustained debate within the broader scientific community (McMullin, 1987). In other words, a significant number of people must be actively engaged in research that addresses the controversy over time. No matter what the content of the disagreement, the scientists involved all share some fundamental knowledge and agree that the subject matter is worth being concerned about and that the various arguments are legitimate....であり、"Controversial"とは新理論がコンセンサスに到達していない(真偽が定まっていない)状態を指している。コンセンサスに到達している場合は、政策決定に反映すべきだが、このControversialな状態だと、時期尚早(問題の深刻さによっては、政策決定に反映すべき場合もあるが)。
科学者たちは、日常的なもの(使用するのに最善な分析機器が何かといったこと)から、深いこと(最近に発展した物理理論である超弦理論が現実を正確に記述しているかといったこと)まで、様々なものについて意見が一致しないことがある。二人の科学者が、機器や超弦理論あるいはデータの解釈について意見が一致しないことは、"Controversy"には入らない。本当の科学的"Controversy"とは、科学界で広く行われる論争である[McMullin 1987]。言い換えるなら、時間を経て、"Controversy"に関する研究に、少なからざる数の科学者たちがアクティブに暗化参加している。不一致の内容が何であれ、参加している科学者たちは、幾らかの基本的知識を共有し、対象の問題が議論に値するものである点と、多くの議論が正統なものであることでは一致している。
McMullin, E., 1987, Scientific controversy and its termination, in H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.,H.T.E.,and Caplan, A.L., eds., Scientific controversies: Case studies in resolution and closure of disputes inf science and technology: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
[Anne Egger, Ph.D., Anthony Carpi, Ph.D.: "What is scientific controversy?" in "Ideas in Science -- Scientific Controversy" on VisionLearning]
Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the "body of fact" that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy, Within the business we recognize that a controversy exists. However, with the general public the consensus is that cigarettes are in some way harmful to the health. If we are successful in establishing a controversy at the public level, then there is an opportunity to put across the real facts about smoking and health. Doubt is also the limit of our "product". Unfortunately, we cannot take a position directly opposing the anti-cigarette forces and say that cigarettes are a contributor to good health. No information that we have supports such a claim. Truth is our message because of its power to withstand a conflict and sustain a controversy (Pages 4-5)このような行為によって作られた"Controversy"をManufactroversyと呼ぶ。
[Smoking and Health Proposal on Anne Landman's Collection on Tobacco Documents Online]
[Date: 1969, 690010951-690010959, snapshot_bw 0000332506]