

[Steven Nordin, Anna-Sara Claeson, Maria Andersson, Louise Sommar, Jakob Andrée, Klas Lundqvist, Linus Andersson: "Impact of Health-Risk Perception on Odor Perception and Cognitive Performance", Chemosensory Perception, July 2013]

Indications of adverse effects of nontoxic malodorous chemical exposure on work performance and safety and the role of health-risk perception on odor perception motivated the present study of the impact of health-risk perception on odor perception and cognitive performance. Healthy young adults were informed that they were to be exposed to an odorous substance that is either potentially health-enhancing (positive information bias, n = 24) or hazardous (negative information bias, n = 25). The two groups, screened for loss in odor-detection sensitivity, were matched for age, sex, chemical intolerance, and negative affectivity. During each of 14 trials of exposure to 433 mg/m3 of n-butanol, the participants rated the intensity and valence of odor perception and performed a cognitive task that taxed working memory and attention. The results showed that the negative-bias group rated the odor perception as more unpleasant than did the positive-bias group during the entire session, but significantly more unpleasant only during the first half of the session. The negative-bias group was also found to perform significantly poorer on the cognitive task during both halves of the session. No effect of information bias was found on perceived odor intensity. The results provide experimental support for the hypotheses that belief that exposure to an odorous chemical is hazardous contributes to the odor perception being more unpleasant and to poorer cognitive performance.


健康な若年成人は、潜在的に健康増進効果のある臭気物質(ポジティブ情報バイアス、N =24)または潜在的に危険な臭気物質(ネガティブ情報バイアス、N =25)に曝露されると知らされた。この2集団は、嗅覚障害をスクリーニングし、年齢と性別と化学的耐性と負の情動についてマッチさせてある。433 mg/m3のn-ブタノールに曝露される14回の試験で、各試験ごとに、被験者は臭気の強さと誘発性をレイティングし、ワーキングメモリーと注意力に負担のかかる認知タスクを実行した。
このような研究はDalto [1996]も行っており、同様の結果が得られている。


[Zucco GM, Militello C, Doty RL.: "Discriminating between organic and psychological determinants of multiple chemical sensitivity: a case study.", Neurocase. 2008;14(6):485-93. doi: 10.1080/13554790802498948.]

Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a controversial disorder characterized by a diverse set of debilitating symptoms purportedly induced by environmental chemicals. Many cases of putative MCS are believed to have a strong psychogenic component, making it difficult to differentiate between organic and psychogenic causes. In this case report we describe a procedure that can aid in this differentiation. A patient who met a strict set of criteria for MCS was tested on two test occasions. On the first, the patient was found to have no olfactory dysfunction, as determined from standardized olfactory tests. On the second, odorants, as well as a blank stimulus, were presented to the patient with instructions as to whether they were harmful or harmless. The patient's task was to estimate the intensity of each odorant and report any induced MCS-related symptoms. Potentially harmful odorants presented as harmless were judged significantly less intense, and triggered fewer symptoms, than harmless odorants presented as harmful. When an odorless stimulus was presented as harmful, the patient provided higher intensity evaluations and exhibited more symptoms than when it was presented as harmless. These phenomena were not present in three non-MCS controls. This straight-forward procedure allowed us to determine that the MCS symptoms of this patient were largely psychological and may be of general value for identifying psychogenic cases of MCS.






posted by Kumicit at 2013/08/18 06:09 | Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

> 多様な衰弱症状によって特徴づけられるContoversialな疾患である。

の箇所で、原文の "controversial (議論/論争のある)" という語が、訳文では5文字目の "r" が欠落しているため、意味が取りにくくなってます。

また、"straight-forward" もカタカナ語だと違和感があるので、「率直な」あるいは「簡潔な」などの訳をあてると読みやすいかもしれません。
Posted by nrt at 2013/08/19 07:31

straightforwardは、論文だと"proceeding in a straight course or manner : direct, undeviating"という意味合いなので、そのままストレートフォワードでいいようなきがしています。
Posted by Kumicit at 2013/08/20 06:29



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