

[Binkley KE, Kutcher S.: "Panic response to sodium lactate infusion in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome.", J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1997 Apr;99(4):570-4.]

BACKGROUND: Many patients who are first seen with what has been called multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS) experience symptoms suggestive of panic disorder including chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, paresthesias, light-headedness, and mental confusion. Although such patients are often convinced that these symptoms reflect toxic effects of environmental "chemicals," direct evidence of this is lacking. To the contrary, a previous study has shown that some of these individuals exhibit hyperventilation responses on exposure to non-noxious stimuli, and it has been suggested that the resulting hypocarbia accounts for their symptoms. We postulated that some patients with self-identified MCS had an underlying condition similar to panic disorder and would therefore demonstrate similar responses to provocative challenges, such as sodium lactate infusion.

METHODS: Patients referred to an allergy and clinical immunology service for evaluation of "chemical sensitivity" were investigated to rule out underlying medical conditions, including asthma, as a cause of their symptoms and were enrolled for study after giving informed consent. After a standardized psychiatric assessment was performed, patients underwent single-blind intravenous infusions of normal saline solution (placebo) and sodium lactate (which reproduces symptoms in individuals with underlying panic disorder). All patients were referred for independent psychiatric assessment.

RESULTS: The standardized psychiatric assessment identified four of five patients as meeting DSM III-R diagnostic criteria for panic disorder along with other depressive and/or anxiety-related disorders. All five patients with self-identified chemical sensitivity exhibited a positive symptomatic response to sodium lactate compared with placebo infusion. Independent psychiatric assessment confirmed the diagnosis of panic disorder on the basis of DSM III-R criteria in each of the five patients.

CONCLUSION: These results suggest that MCS may have a neurobiologic basis similar, if not identical, to that of panic disorder. We speculate that treatments with demonstrated efficacy in panic disorder may also be of benefit in MCS, and conversely, treatments that reinforce anticipatory anxiety and avoidance behavior in patients with MCS may be detrimental.

背景:最初の多種化学物質過敏症候群( MCS)と見られた多くの患者が、胸苦しさ、息切れ、動悸、感覚異常、ふらつき、精神錯乱など、パニック障害を示唆する症状を経験している。このような患者は、多くの場合、これらの症状が環境"化学物質"の毒性に対する反応だと確信しているが、これの直接的な証拠を欠いている。反対に、以前の研究で、これらの患者の一部は、非侵害刺激への曝露に過換気応答を示すことが示されており、それは、それらの症状が低炭酸症の結果であることを示唆している。我々は自己申告MCS患者の一部がパニック障害と同様の基礎疾患を持っていて、乳酸ナトリウム注射などのチャレンジテストに対して同様の反応を示すと仮定した。

方法: "化学物質過敏症"の評価のためのアレルギーと臨床免疫学診療科に紹介された患者について、症状の原因として喘息などの基礎疾患を除外する診断を行った上で、インフォームドコンセントを得た後、研究のために参加させた。標準化された精神医学診断の後、患者は生理食塩水(プラセボ)と乳酸ナトリウム(基礎パニック障害患者の症状を再現する)の単盲検静脈点滴を受けた。全患者に対して、独立した精神医学診断が行われた。

結果:標準化された精神医学診断のにより、5人のうち4人が、他の鬱病や不安関連障害とともに、パニック障害のDSM III- R診断基準を満たしていることが判明した。自己申告の化学物質過敏症を持つ患者5人は、プラセボ注入と比較して乳酸ナトリウム注射に対して、ポジティブな症状反応を示した。独立した精神医学診断は5人の患者の各々について、DSM ​​III- Rの基準に基づいてパニック障害と診断した。

結論:これらの結果は、 MCSが、パニック障害と、同一ではないかもしれないが、同様の、神経生物学的基礎を持っていることを示唆している。

我々は、パニック障害について効果が実証された治療法がMCSにも有益でる可能性があり、逆に、 MCS患者に対する予期不安や回避行動を強化する治療は有害となる可能性があると、推測している。

[Josef Bailer, PhD, Michael Witthöft, DiplPsych, Christine Paul, DiplPsych, Christiane Bayerl, MD and Fred Rist, PhD: "Evidence for Overlap Between Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance and Somatoform Disorders", Psychosomatic Medicine November 1, 2005 vol. 67 no. 6 921-929]

 Objective: Idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI), also known as multiple chemical sensitivity, is a chronic, polysymptomatic condition that cannot be explained by an organic disease. Physical and psychological complaints are believed to be sustained by low levels of chemically unrelated substances in the environment. At present, it is unclear whether IEI is an environmental illness or a variant of somatoform disorders (SFD). This study examined whether IEI can be distinguished from SFD with respect to self-reported symptoms, trait anxiety, body-related cognitions, and symptom attributions.

Methods: We compared 54 subjects with IEI, 54 subjects with SFD but without IEI, and 44 subjects with neither IEI nor SFD on symptom scales, psychological questionnaires, and structured interviews for IEI, depression, anxiety, and SFD.

Results: More than half of the IEI subjects met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition criteria of SFD. This group shared both symptoms and psychological features of somatization with the SFD group. IEI subjects who did not fulfill criteria for a specific SFD were less impaired by their chemical sensitivity but differed nevertheless from nonsomatoform controls by significantly higher symptom scores, higher trait anxiety, a focus on autonomic sensations, and more pronounced somatic symptom attributions. These psychological features were significantly associated with the burden of somatic symptoms in both SFD and IEI. Furthermore, self-reported allergy but not total immunoglobulin E correlated with symptom burden in the total sample.

Conclusions: The similarity of IEI and SFD regarding symptoms and psychological features of somatization support the hypothesis that IEI is a variant of SFD.





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