
メモ「米国職業環境医学会(ACOEM, 旧称ACOM)のMCSについてのポジションステートメント(1990)」

1994年に環境庁やThe American Lung Association (ALA)やThe Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)やThe American Medical Association (AMA)が室内環境について出したブックレットが「臨床環境医学」について参照した文献Ducataman et al.(1999)を紹介する。この文献は実際には、米国職業医学会(ACOM)の毒物学分科会としてのポジションステートメントである。また、ACOMは現在は米国職業環境医学会(ACOEM)と改称され、1999年には多種化学物質過敏症についてのポジションステートメント<を出している

[American College of Occupational Medicine, Toxicology Committee: Ducataman et al. "What is Environmental Medicine?" Journal of Occupational Medicine 1990; 32: 1130-32. ]

Wider recognition of the many features of the environment that may adversely affect human health has attracted the interest of many, including some clinicians who may be insufficiently trained to address epidemiologic and toxicologic aspects of causation and prevention. Untested diagnostic and therapeutic regimens may become attractive to a few health care providers and their patients in the face of major deficiencies in information concerning environmental impacts upon health. Misdiagnosis of conditions related to the environment is as serious a problem as misdiagnosis of other conditions. For example, questions of untested and otherwise problematic aspects of clinical ecology have been noted by allergists and immunologists[5-7], internists[8,9], psychiatrists[10-12], government agencies and advisory panels[13,14], state medical societies where "clinical ecologists" practice[15] and consumer advocates[16-17]. Recently, trial courts also have expressed concern with the "subjective and conjectural" nature of clinical ecology testimony[18-21].


In these matters, we join other medical and scientific bodies in recommending, first, that all physicians must refrain from untested, unproven[22], or needlessly debilitating[23] diagnoses and treatments. Second, we ask that physicians recognize that the symptoms often leading to the diagnosis of "multiple chemical sensitivity" are real to the patient, even if the validity of the diagnosis and its proposed mechanisms are conjectural. Patients with multiple sensitivities need the same supportive, tolerant, and encouraging care that all patients deserve. Third, despite initial impressions that these patients may have simple misdiagnoses of other better known problems[7] or else learned psychologic reactions[10,11,24,25], occupational physicians should support and participate in scientifically designed studies of the phenomenon now characterized as multiple chemical sensitivity.


5 American Academy of Allergy, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 1981, 67, 333.
6 American Academy of Allergy and Immunology,  J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 1986, 78, 269.
7 Terr, AI, Arch Intern. Med., 1986, 146, 145-149.
8 American College of Physicians, Ann. Intern. Med, 1989, 111, 168-178.
9 Kahn E. and Letz G, Ann. Intern. Med, 1989, 111, 104-106.
10 Brodsky CM, Psychosomatics, 1983, 24, 731-742.
11 Stewart DE and Raskin J, Can. Med Assoc J., 1985, 133, 1001-1006.
12 Schottenfels RS, in Cullen MR (ed) Workers with Multiple Sensitivities, State of the Art Reviews, vol II, 1987, 739-753.
13 Health Care Financing Administration, Fed. Reg., 1983, 48, 37716-37722.
14 Committee on Environmental Hypersensitivities, Report of the ad hoc Committee on Environmental Hypersensitivity Disorders, Toronto, Ontario, Ministry of Health, 1985.
15 Calforna Medical Association Scientific Board Taskforce on Clinical Ecology, West. J. Med., 1986, 144, 239-245.
16 Barrett, S. Nutrition Today, 1984, Mar/Apr 6-11.
17 Consumers Union, Consumer Reports, 1988, 53, 96-109.
18 Whitehead GM and Espel LD,  Toxics. Law Rep., 1988, 2, 1040-1047.
19 Keszbom A. and Goldman AV, Toxics. Law Rep., 1988, 3, 884-892.
20 Rothman RA and Maskin A, Toxics. Law Rep., 1989, 3, 1219-1231.
21 Miller, DR, Lancet, 1987, ii, 1283-1284.
22 Cullen, MR, N. Engl. J. Med, 1990, 322, 576-683.
23 Frumkin, H., Ann. Intern. Med, 1989, 111, 542.
24 Shusterman D. et al., J. Occup. Med., 1988, 30, 565-567.
25 Bolla-Willson K,  J. Occup. Med., 1988, 30, 684-686.
posted by Kumicit at 2013/09/14 06:48 | Comment(3) | TrackBack(1) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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Posted by nrt at 2013/09/14 18:11
Posted by Kumicit at 2013/09/15 01:33
Posted by もびろう at 2013/10/22 19:01



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[医学]臨床環境医学(Clinical Ecology)と環境医学(Environmental Medicine)は異なる
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