
理科教科書をめぐるテキサスの攻防 2013年


もちろん主戦場は生物学や地学であり、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Education (ncse)によれば、既に2009年に理科教科書が少し歪められている。
At its March 25-27, 2009, meeting, the Texas state board of education voted to adopt a flawed set of state science standards, which will dictate what is taught in science classes in elementary and secondary schools, as well as provide the material for state tests and textbooks, for the next decade. Although creationists on the board were unsuccessful in inserting the controversial "strengths and weaknesses" language from the old set of standards, they proposed a flurry of synonyms − such as "sufficiency or insufficiency" and "supportive and not supportive" − and eventually prevailed with a requirement that students examine "all sides of scientific evidence." Additionally, the board voted to add or amend various standards in a way that encourages the presentation of creationist claims about the complexity of the cell, the completeness of the fossil record, and the age of the universe.


[A setback for science education in Texas (2009/04/01) on ncse]
Ideologues on official state textbook review teams are attacking the treatment of evolution and climate change in science textbooks under consideration in Texas, charged the Texas Freedom Network and the National Center for Science Education in a joint press release issued on September 9, 2013. "Once again culture warriors on the state board are putting Texas at risk of becoming a national laughingstock on science education," TFN's president Kathy Miller warned.

As the press release explains, documents obtained by the TFN show "that reviewers made ideological objections to coverage related to evolution and climate change in textbooks from at least seven publishers, including several of the nation's biggest publishing houses. Failing to obtain a review panel's top rating makes it harder for publishers to sell their textbooks to school districts or can even lead the State Board of Education (SBOE) to reject the textbook altogether."

「州教科書の公式レビューチームのイデオローグたちは、テキサス州で検討中の理科教科書記載の進化論と気候変動の扱いについて攻撃してきた」と、Texas Freedom NetworkとNational Center for Science Educationの2013年9月9日付の共同プレスリリースで非難した。「州教育委員会の文化戦士たちは、テキサスの理科教育を全米の笑いものになるリスクに晒している」とTFN代表Kathy Millerは警告した。


[Textbooks under attack in Texas (2013/09/09) on ncse]

posted by Kumicit at 2013/09/15 23:20 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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