
コロン療法(腸内洗浄他)を批判するEdzard Ernst

臨床環境医がMCS治療に使うこともあるコロン療法について、[Edzard Ernstがこんなことを書いている。
Numerous synonyms for colonic irrigation exist, e.g. colonic treatment, colon cleansing, rectal irrigation, colon therapy, colon hydrotherapy, colonic. The treatment is based on the ancient but obsolete theory of ‘autointoxication’, i.e. the body is assumed to poison itself with, ‘autotoxins’ which, in turn, cause various illnesses. So, it is implausible and there is also no evidence to suggest it is effective. But this does not stop professional organisations to make claims which are good for business.


[Edzard Ernst: "Drowning in a sea of misinformation. Part 3: professional organisations of colonic irrigation" (2013/09/12) on EdzardErnst.Com]
Ernst (2010)によれば、6つの専門治療師団体がコロン療法の治療効果(デトックス・腸機能正常化・炎症性腸疾患治療など)を主張している。だが...
The question therefore arises whether these hypotheses have been tested and, if so, what the results of such investigations suggest? The use of colonic irrigation by alternative practitioners for any indications is not supported by any sound evidence at all. There are simply no trials to show effectiveness.


[Edzard Ernst: "Drowning in a sea of misinformation. Part 3: professional organisations of colonic irrigation" (2013/09/12) on EdzardErnst.Com]
A recent survey suggested that colonic irrigation is totally devoid of risks: during 8470 treatments administered by UK members of the 'Association of Colonic Hydrotherapists', no adverse events were noted.[3] The previous reviewers also gave the impression that the procedure is safe (e.g. [18]). However, other authors have stated that side-effects include nausea, diarrhoea, nervous disturbances[16] as well as cramps and irritations.[19] Moreover, the documented risks include electrolyte depletion,[20,21] water intoxication,[22,23] bowel perforation[24–27] and infection.[28]

コロンハイドロセラピー療法師協会の英国会員による8470症例には副作用は記録されておらず[3]、最近の調査は、コロン療法にリスクがないと示唆している。以前のレビューアーもこの治療法は安全だという印象を持っている(eg [18])。しかし、他の著者たちは、吐気・下痢・神経障害[16]・痙攣・炎症[19]などの副作用があると記述している。さらに、ドキュメント化されたリスクには、電解質異常[20,21]・水中毒[22,23]・腸穿孔[24-27]・感染症[28]がある。

[3] Taffinder NJ, Tan E, Webb IG, McDonald PJ. Retrograde commercial colonic hydrotherapy. Colorectal Dis 2004; 6: 258–60.
[16] Kelvinson RC. Colonic hydrotherapy: a review of the available literature. Complement Ther Med 1995; 3: 88–92.
[18] Friedenwald J, Morrison S. Value, limitations, indications and technic of colonic irrigations. Med Clin North Am 1935; May: 1629.
[19] Krusen FH. Colonic irrigation. JAMA 1936; 106: 118–21.
[20] Dunning MF, Plum F. Potassium depletion by enemas. Am J Med 1956; 20: 789–92.
[21] Collins JG, Mittman P. Effects of colon irrigation on serum electrolytes. J Naturopath Med 1990; 1: 4–9.
[22] Ziskind A, Gelis SS. Water intoxication following tap-water enemas. AMA J Dis Child 1958; 96: 699–704.
[23] Norlela S, Izham C, Khalid BA. Colonic irrigation-induced hyponatremia. Malays J Pathol 2004; 26: 117–8.
[24] Biering-Sørensen F, Bing J, Berggreen P, Olesen GM. Rectum perforation during transanal irrigation: a case story. Spinal Cord 2009; 47: 266–7.
[25] Nakamura H, Iyoda M, Sato K, Kitazawa K. Retrograde hydrostatic irrigation enema-induced perforation of the sigmoid colon in a chronic renal failure patient before colonoscopy. J Int Med Res 2005; 33: 707–10.
[26] Handley DV, Rieger NA, Rodda DJ. Rectal perforation from colonic irrigation administered by alternative practitioners. Med J Aust 2004; 181: 575–6.
[27] Tan MP, Cheong DM. Life-threatening perineal gangrene from rectal perforation following colonic hydrotherapy: a case report. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1999; 28 : 583–5.
[28] Istre GR, Kreiss K, Hopkins RS et al. An outbreak of amebiasis spread by colonic irrigation at a chiropractic clinic. N Engl J Med 1982; 307: 339–42.

[E. Ernst: "Colonic Irrigation: Therapeutic Claims by Professional Organisations, a Review", Int J Clin Pract. 2010;64(4):429-431. ]
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