

豪州Sydeny Morning Herald/Sun Heraldの2013年9月29日付の報道によれば、カイロプラクタが治療中に赤ちゃんの脊椎骨を損傷させたにもかかわらず、報告を受けた豪州カイロプラクティック評議会は、カイロプラクタの開業継続を認めていた。
A baby's neck has been broken by a chiropractor in an incident doctors say shows the profession should stop treating children.


The injury was reported to the Chiropractic Board of Australia, which closed the case without reporting it to the public and allowed the chiropractor to keep practising as long as they undertook education with an ''expert in the field of paediatric chiropractic".

The Sun-Herald has also seen evidence that chiropractors have been entering Sydney hospitals, including neo-natal intensive care wards and surgical wards, to treat patients without the required permission.

NSW Health has warned that any chiropractor working in a hospital without permission could put patients at risk, while the Australian Medical Association NSW says the behaviour is "outrageous".




Melbourne paediatrician Chris Pappas cared for a four-month-old baby last year after one of her vertebrae was fractured during a chiropractic treatment for torticollis - an abnormal neck position that is usually harmless. He said the infant was lucky to make a full recovery.

''Another few millimetres and there would have been a devastating spinal cord injury and the baby would have either died or had severe neurological impairment with quadriplegia,'' he said.

Dr Pappas complained to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, which referred the case to the Chiropractic Board. Three weeks ago, he received a letter from AHPRA saying the case had been closed after the chiropractor committed to completing further education.

Dr Pappas said he was concerned the decision was an endorsement of chiropractic treatment for infants when there was no scientific evidence to support it.

''I think they have put the chiropractor's interests before the interests of the public,'' Dr Pappas said. ''[Treating infants] is inappropriate and it carries a very small but real risk of causing damage, and in some cases, devastating damage.''

昨年「通常は無害である首の位置の異常である斜頚を治療するために、カイロプラクティック治療中に脊椎骨を損傷した」生後4か月の赤ちゃんの治療に、メルボルンの小児科医Chris Pappasがあたった。彼は、赤ちゃんは運よく全快したと述べた。


Chris Pappas医師は、豪州開業医規制庁に本件を苦情申し立てし、規制庁はこれをカイロプラクティック評議会へ送った。3週間後に、Chris Pappas医師は規制庁から「カイロプラクタがさらなる教育を受けるということで本件は終了した」という手紙を受け取った。

Chris Pappas医師は、この決定により、治療効果についての科学的証拠がないのに、子供へのカイロプラクティックを推奨することになるかもしれないと懸念していると述べた。


A review published in the Pediatrics journal in 2007 also found serious adverse events relating to spinal manipulations in children, including a brain haemorrhage and paraplegia.


[Julia Medew, Amy Corderoy: "Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck" (2013/09/29) on Sydney Morning Herald]

However, the president of the Chiropractors' Association of Australia, Laurie Tassell, says chiropractic treatment is as safe for children as it is for adults, and chiropractors should be able to treat patients in hospital, if authorised.

"Chiropractic care can be remarkably gentle," he said. "Being a five-year, university-trained spinal health expert, a chiropractor will modify their adjustment techniques to suit the age and spine of each individual child."

しかし、豪州カイロプラクティック協会理事長Laurie Tasselは、成人と同様に子供に対してもカイロプラクティックは安全であり、許可された場合は、患者を病院で治療できるようにすべきであると述べている


[Julia Medew, Amy Corderoy: "Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck" (2013/09/29) on Sydney Morning Herald]
President of the Australian Medical Association Steve Hambleton said the board needed to either produce evidence supporting chiropractic treatments for children or rule out paediatric care. ''The AMA is not aware of any evidence that chiropractic manipulative treatment of infants and children offers any benefit at all,'' he said.

豪州医師会Steve Hambleton理事長は、豪州カイロプラクティック評議会には、カイロプラクティック治療が子供に効果があることを支持する証拠を作るか、小児治療を禁じるべ必要があると述べた。「豪州医師会は、カイロプクラティックマニピュレーション治療が赤ちゃんや子供に効果があるこを示す証拠を関知していない」と述べた。

The Sun-Herald has seen Facebook conversations in which chiropractors discuss methods of sneaking into hospitals. Images, obtained by blogger Reasonable Hank, include one of a baby being adjusted in a hospital.

AMA NSW head Brian Owler said it was "absolutely outrageous" for chiropractors to treat patients in hospital without permission. "None of us can go into an emergency department of a hospital and start treating patients without proper credentials and medico-legal coverage," he said.

A spokeswoman for NSW Health said treating patients without notifying the hospital may be improper conduct and it could be reported to the Health Care Complaints Commission.

カイロプラクタたちが病院に忍び込む方法を論じているFacebook上の会話を、Sun Heraldは目撃している。ブロガーReasobabke Hankから入手した画像には、赤ちゃんが病院でマニピュレーションを受けている様子が写っていた。

豪州医師会ニューサウスウェールズ支部長Brian Owlerは、カイロプラクタが許可なく病院で患者を治療することはまったくとんでもないことだと述べた「適切な資格と医療法的資格なく、救急外来に立ち入って、患者の治療を行うことは許されない」


[Julia Medew, Amy Corderoy: "Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck" (2013/09/29) on Sydney Morning Herald]
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