The GP and Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston is calling on homeopathy's governing bodies to make it clear to parents that their alternative remedies will not protect children from measles outbreaks.
The British Homeopathic Association and Faculty of Homeopathy said they would do so. "There is no evidence to suggest homeopathic vaccinations can protect against contagious diseases. We recommend people seek out the conventional treatments," a spokesman said.
Philip Edmonds, chairman of the Society of Homeopaths said: "The Society does not endorse the use of homeopathic medicines as an alternative to vaccination for the prevention of serious infectious diseases and recommends that members of the public seek the advice of their GP, and/or relevant Department of Health guidelines, concerning vaccination and protection against disease."
英国の一般医で保守党議員であるSarah Wollastonはホメオパシー業界団体に対して、代替レメディがでは麻疹アウトブレイクから子供を守れないと親たちに明確に伝えるよう求めた。
The British Homeopathic Association(英国ホメオパシー協会)とFaculty of Homeopathy はそうすると述べた。広報担当は「ホメオパシーワクチンで伝染病予防できるという科学的証拠はない。我々は人々に通常医療を使うように推奨する」と述べた。
Society of Homeopaths (英国ホメオパス協会)のPhilip Edmonds,議長は「重篤な伝染病の予防にワクチンの代替としてホメオパシー医薬品の使用を推奨しない。ワクチン及び伝染病予防について、一般医の助言あるいは関連する保健省ガイドラインに従うことを推奨する。」と述べた。
[Parents need to know homeopathy does not protect against measles, says MP (2013/04/15) on The Fuardian]
Health Canada is cracking down on the sale of so-called homeopathic vaccines that are falsely promoted by some naturopaths and homeopaths as safer and more effective than traditional vaccines.
The department has altered the document that outlines how homeopathic vaccines should be used, saying they must now contain the following warning: “This product is not intended to be an alternative to vaccination.” The document, called a product monograph, was updated June 24, one month after The Globe and Mail published a story outlining the concerns with homeopathic vaccines.
保健省は既にホメオパシーワクチン使用法文書を改訂し、「この製品はワクチンの代替を意図したものではない」という注意書きの記載を義務付けた。この製品モノグラフは、The Globe and Mailがホメオパシーワクチンの懸念を報道した一ヶ月後の2013/06/24に改訂された。
[CARLY WEEKS:"Health Canada adds new warning labels to homeopathic vaccines"(2013/08/24) on The Globe and Mail
posted by Kumicit at 2013/09/30 08:18