A security man uses a detector at the entrance of a mall in Beirut, Monday, Sept. 2, 2013. (The Daily Star/Mohammad Azakir)
BEIRUT: In an attempt to mitigate attacks similar to those in Beirut and Tripoli last month, security measures have been significantly boosted across the country, yet companies are still using bomb detectors that have long been described as “ineffective.”
An administrator at a shopping mall outside Beirut, who requested anonymity, denied the devices were useless. He added that mall security had not yet detected any explosives.
At Beirut’s LeMall, director Gabriel Yaacoub said they had recently purchased new bomb detectors, including the ADE 651 and ALPHA 6 models. He too said the detectors at the franchise’s branches in Sin al-Fil, Dbayyeh, and Sidon had not yet found any heavy weaponry or explosives.
ベイルートのLeMallでは、責任者Gabriel Yaacoubが、ADE 651やALPHA 6を含む新たな爆発物検知器を購入したと述べた。さらに、彼はSin al-FilとDbayyehとSidonのフランチャイズ店でも、爆発物検知器は重火器や爆発物を発見したことはないと述べた。
[Rayane Abou Jaoude:"Despite huge dangers, security measures still not up to par"(2013/08/03) on DaikyStar]
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