

Dietary Supplements Containing Stimulants

The main candidates from the dietary supplement market for inadvertent doping with stimulants are products containing ephedrine and analogues, sibutramine and methylhexaneamine. Such products are mainly advertised as fat burners or mood enhancers, and their use may lead to positive doping results in competition. The risk of inadvertent doping with such supplements is based on different reasons.


In the case of supplements containing ephedrines, the natural sources of ephedrine such as Ma Huang or ephedra sinica are frequently mentioned on the label rather than the names of the active ingredients (ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, methylephedrine, etc). Despite extensive education of athletes regarding unclear labelling, or the variety of names by which banned substances may be referred to, many athletes still fall into this doping trap.


In case of supplements enriched with sibutramine, the ingredient is not declared on the label and the consumer is only provided with the information that the product contains 'pure herbal ingredients' that are advertised to have considerable weight loss capabilities. Sibutramine can be found in therapeutic or even supratherapeutic doses in slimming capsules, powders and even slimming teas.[3–5] Sibutramine is a synthetic anorectic drug, only approved as a pharmaceutical preparation and available only on prescription. Because of its enormous side effects (stroke and heart attack risk for patients with a history of cardiovascular disease), the European Medicines Agency recommended in January 2010 that this drug be withdrawn from the market. Sibutramine has been on the list of prohibited substances from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) since 2006.

シブトラミンを多く含むサプリメントの場合、有効成分はラベルに書かれておらず、かなりの減量の機能を持つと宣伝されている純天然ハーブが含まれているとだけラベルに記載されている。シブトラミンは、治療あるいはスーパー治療用量の痩身カプセルや粉末、さらには痩身茶にも見つかる。シブトラミンは医薬品としてのみ認可されている合成食欲抑制薬でり、使用には処方が必要である。その膨大な副作用(心血管疾患の既往歴のある患者に対して、脳卒中や心臓発作のリスク)の故に、欧州医薬品庁は、この薬剤を市場から排除することを2010年1月に勧告した。シブトラミンは、2006年以降、世界アンチ・ドーピング機構( WADA )の禁止薬物のリストに載っている。

[H Geyer, H Braun, L M Burke, S J Stear, L M Castel:"A–Z of Nutritional Supplements -- Dietary Supplements, Sports Nutrition Foods and Ergogenic Aids for Health and Performance−Part 22", Br J Sports Med. 2011;45(9):752-754. ]

posted by Kumicit at 2013/10/16 07:53 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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