

2013/10/25付けのCourthouse News Serviceの記事によれば、米国で、ホメオパシー薬品会社 HomeoLab USAに対する集団訴訟が起こされた。
FT. LAUDERDALE (CN) - Parents claim in a class action that a homeopathic medicine maker targets children for its "worthless" products called "Kids Relief," and has "wrongfully taken millions of dollars" through misleading marketing.

「ホメオパシー薬品メーカーがKids Relief"と呼ばれるそ"価値のない"製品を子供をターゲットに販売し、誤解を招くマーケティングを通じて、数百万ドルの収益を不当に得ている」と、親たちが集団訴訟で主張している。

Lead plaintiff Jessica Medina sued HomeoLab USA, a Delaware-based business whose distribution center is in Boca Raton. She seeks refunds and damages for deceptive trade, negligent misrepresentation and unjust enrichment, in Federal Court.

原告代表Jessica Medinaは、デラウェア州を本拠地とし、Boca Ratonに流通センターを持つHomeoLab USAを訴えた。彼女は、連邦裁判所に、虚偽取引と過失による不実表示と不当利得の返金と損害賠償を求めている。

Medina and three other named plaintiffs claim that HomeoLab claims, falsely, that its Kids Relief products provide "safe, effective relief" for colds and flu.

メディナと他の3つの名前の原告は、その子供のリリーフ製品は、風邪やインフルエンザのために"安全、効果的な救済を"提供することを、誤って、 HomeoLabが主張していると主張。

"In fact," the lawsuit states, "HomeoLab's products are worthless, and HomeoLab unfairly, deceptively and unjustly enriches itself o[n] the backs of children to turn a corporate profit."

訴状は「実際には、 HomeoLabの製品は無価値であり、 HomeoLabは子供たちの負担を会社の利益に転換して、不当かつ虚偽かつ不実に、お金を儲けている」と述べている。
HomeoLab pushes its Kids Relief Flu by claiming that its ingredients - "autolysate of the heart and liver of the duck" - "relieves 'flu-like symptoms,' 'fever and chills,' 'aches and pains,' and 'feeling run-down' in children 2 years and over," the complaint states, citing the company's website.

「HomeoLabは、その成分である"アヒルの心臓と肝臓のエキス"は"、2歳以上の子供たちのインフルエンザ様症状"と"発熱と悪寒"と"痛み"と"疲労感"を軽減すると主張して、Kids Relief Fluを販売している」と訴状は、同社のサイトを引用する形で述べている。

"But the heart and liver of a Muscovy duck, at least at the dilutions claimed, can be scientifically and mathematically shown to have no medical value, no biological effect on humans," the complaint states.

HomeoLab falsely claims its products are FDA-approved, but the FDA does not evaluate homeopathic products, the class adds.


[MARIMER MATOS:"Parents Call Kids' Medicines Snake Oil"]
被告である製造元のHomeoLab USAのサイトは閉鎖状態にある。運営されていた頃のArchiveには成人向けの商品が載っていた。

Homeolab USA Naturcoksinum Flu Buster Description
Natural Relief of Cold and Flu Like Symptoms
All Natural - Non Toxic, No Side Effects
Safe - User Friendly, Single Dose Dispenser
Effective - Pharmaceutically Formulated
Fast Relief - No Drowsiness - Antihistamine Free

Natural relief of cold and flu like symptoms. Homeolab's Naturaoksinum has no side effects and will not interact with any medication. Thus, everyone, children as well as adults, may benefit from it, even pregnant women and people with hypertension. Traditionally used in prevention as well as treating symptoms of influenza and colds: fatigue, fever, chills, aches and pains.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Ingredients: Active Ingredients: APUS: Anas barbariae, hepatis et. cordis extractum 200c.
成分: バーバリー鴨、肝臓。心臓エキス 200C

[Homeolab USA Naturcoksinum Flu Buster Description on Vitacist]

The class claims that some of HomeoLab other products, including Kids Relief Cough & Cold and Kids Relief Earache, contain ingredients that are poisonous in larger quantities, such as belladonna.

「Kids Relief Cough & ColdやKids Relief EaracheというHomeoLabの別の商品には、ベラドンナなど多量に摂取すると有毒である成分が含まれている」と集団訴訟の訴状は述べている。

[MARIMER MATOS:"Parents Call Kids' Medicines Snake Oil"]
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