一群のLake Wobegon Effectのひとつに、"bias blind spot(バイアス盲点)"がある。これは、他人のバイアスを認識できるのに、自分の同じバイアスを認識できないというものである。
Human judgment and decision making is distorted by an array of cognitive, perceptual, and motivational biases. This research concerns recent evidence that people are quite capable of recognizing the operation of bias in human judgment - except when that bias is their own. Aside from the general motive to self-enhance, two primary sources of this "bias blind spot" have been identified. One involves people's heavy weighting of introspective evidence when assessing their own bias, despite the tendency for bias to occur nonconsciously. The other involves people's conviction that their perceptions directly reflect reality, and that those who see things differently are therefore biased. People's tendency to deny their own bias, even while recognizing bias in others, reveals a profound shortcoming in self-awareness with important consequences for interpersonal and intergroup conflict.他人と認識が一致しないなら、それは他人の側にバイアスがあると考え、自分の側にバイアスがあるとは考えないという...
[Emily Pronin: "The Bias Blind Spot: Psychological Dynamics and Social Consequences" ]