

キリスト教大学であるEastern Nazarene Collegeで1984年から2011年まで、科学を教えていたKarl W. Gibersonが、こんなことを書いている。
For a quarter century I taught scientific theories of origins−evolution and the Big Bang Theory−under a cloud of suspicion that waxed and waned but never totally disappeared. With few exceptions, my mostly evangelical students accepted these ideas. I took informal polls indicating that most of the 50 percent of my students who rejected evolution at the beginning of my course accepted it by the end. My colleagues at other evangelical colleges report similar experiences. We were hopeful that these evangelical students would become leaders of their faith communities and gradually persuade their fellow evangelicals that evolution was not a lie from hell−which was what many of them had been taught in Sunday school. But instead scientifically informed young evangelicals became so alienated from their home churches that they walked away, taking their enlightenment with them.


An alarming study by the Barna group looked at the mass exodus of 20-somethings from evangelicalism and discovered that one of the major sources of discontent was the perception that “Christianity was antagonistic to science.” Anti-evolution, and general suspicion of science, has become such a significant part of the evangelical identity that many people feel compelled to choose one or the other. Many of my most talented former students no longer attend any church, and some have completely abandoned their faith traditions.

Barna grouoの憂慮すべき研究は、20件ほどの福音主義キリスト教からの集団離脱を観察し、主要な不満の原因の一つが「キリスト教が科学に敵対的だ」という認識であることを発見した。反進化論、そして一般的な科学への疑いが、多くの人々に信仰と科学の二者択一を迫るほどに、福音主義キリスト教の大きな部分を占めるようになってきた。学生のときに私の授業を受けた優秀な人々は、今では教会に通うことがなくなり、信仰を絶ってしまった者もいる。

[Karl W. Giberson:"2013 Was a Terrible Year for Evolution"(2014/01/02) on DailtBeast via Ed Brayton]
科学を知ったことで信仰を失ったのではなく、科学を知った信者を教会が排除してしまっていると、Karl W. Gibersonは言う。

彼が言及した、Barna GroupのDavid Kinnaman所長率いる5年間の研究で挙げられた、若者と教会の断絶の理由の一つが確かに「科学に敵対的」というのがある。
Reason #3 – Churches come across as antagonistic to science.

One of the reasons young adults feel disconnected from church or from faith is the tension they feel between Christianity and science. The most common of the perceptions in this arena is “Christians are too confident they know all the answers” (35%). Three out of ten young adults with a Christian background feel that “churches are out of step with the scientific world we live in” (29%). Another one-quarter embrace the perception that “Christianity is anti-science” (25%). And nearly the same proportion (23%) said they have “been turned off by the creation-versus-evolution debate.” Furthermore, the research shows that many science-minded young Christians are struggling to find ways of staying faithful to their beliefs and to their professional calling in science-related industries.


[Barna Group 2011/09]

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