A sixth-grade teacher's advocacy of creationism is at the center of the complaint in a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana on January 22, 2014. The lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Louisiana on behalf of Scott Lane, Sharon Lane, and their three children, including their son, C. C., a Buddhist of Thai heritage. Documents from the case, Lane et al. v. Sabine Parish School Board et al., are available from the ACLU's website.ここまで露骨な例は多くないかもしれないが、似たような例は他にもある。これを機に、ACLUとしてはルイジアナは進化論州法Act473に対しても影響を及ぼしたいところだが...
2014年1月22日に合衆国ルイジアナ州西部地裁が受理した訴状によれば、訴えの中心は6学年担当教師の創造論の宣伝にある。訴訟はScott LaneとSharon Laneと、 タイ仏教徒であるC.Cを含む3人の子供たちに代って、ACLU(米国自由人権協会)及びルイジアナ州ACLUが行ったものである。Lane et al. v. Sabine Parish学区裁判の訴状は、ACLUのサイトで読める。
According to the complaint (PDF), C. C.'s former sixth-grade teacher "treats the Bible as scientific fact, telling students that the Big Bang never happened and that evolution is a 'stupid' theory that 'stupid people made up because they don’t want to believe in God.'” She tells her students that "if evolution were real, it would still be happening: Apes would still be turning into humans today." She "repeatedly instructed students that evolution is not valid as a scientific theory and that God made the world 6,000 years ago." She skipped the chapter on evolution in the science textbook. In addition, she includes religious material on her science tests. On one examination, students were expected to fill in the blank in the sentence "ISN'T IT AMAZING WHAT THE __________ MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" C. C. was penalized for not supplying the word "LORD." The teacher similarly grants extra credit for writing "Isn't it amazing what the Lord has made" on assignments and examinations.
[Creationism in Louisiana lawsuit (2014/01/28) on ncse]
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- テネシー州の反進化論州法HB368/SB893成立 (2012/04/11)
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education