Reductio ad Hitlerum「Xという悪を支持した、あるいはXという悪を行った」から「ヒトラーは悪である」というのは論理としては正しい。しかし、「ヒトラーがXを支持した、あるいはXを行った」から「Xは悪である」というのは詭弁である。しかし、この"Reductio ad Hitlerum"は詭弁だが、これが詭弁であるという理由で、「Xが悪ではない」あるいは「Xの支持者が悪でない」ことも証明できない。
University of ChicagoのLeo Strauss教授が1950年に自著"Natural Right and History"の第2章で述べたのが語源[wikipedia]:
In following this movement towards its end we shall inevitably reach a point beyond which the scene is darkened by the shadow of Hitler. Unfortunately, it does not go without saying that in our examination we must avoid the fallacy that in the last decades has frequently been used as a substitute for the reductio ad absurdum: the reductio ad Hitlerum. A view is not refuted by the fact that it happens to have been shared by Hitler.
この"Reductio ad Hitlerum"詭弁の派生法則が"Godwin's Law"である:
Godwin's LawMark Isaak: Index to Creationist Claims(創造論者の主張リスト)にも、ちゃんと例がある:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one
Claim CA006.2: Stalin accepted Darwinian evolution, which he used to justify oppression and murder.特にルイジアナ州下院の決議案(HLS01-2652)は完全に、アッチ側にいってしまっている:
AiG, 1988. What happened when Stalin read Darwin? Creation 10(4) (September): 23.
WHEREAS, the writings of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, promoted the justification of racism, and his books On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life and The Descent of Man postulate a hierarchy of superior and inferior races; and焚書でもやりそうな勢いの、"Reductio ad Hitlerum"詭弁の見事な例になっている。
WHEREAS, Adolf Hitler and others have exploited the racist views of Darwin and those he influenced, such as German zoologist Ernst Haekel, to justify the annihilation of millions of purportedly racially inferior individuals.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of Louisiana does hereby deplore all instances and ideologies of racism, does hereby reject the core concepts of Darwinist ideology that certain races and classes of humans are inherently superior to others, and does hereby condemn the extent to which these philosophies have been used to justify and approve racist practices.
これに対する"Reductio ad Hitlerum"詭弁な対抗議論は「ナチは1930年代および1940年代にユダヤ人の著作と退廃した本を焚書にした[wikipedia:Jewish, anti-Nazi and "degenerate" books (by the Nazis)]から、ルイジアナ州決議案HLS 01-2652は悪である。」
なお、この決議案は2001年5月1日に下院教育委員会を9:5で通過し、5月8日に州下院で65:28でダーウィンとダーウィニズムに関する記述を削除し、反対なし州下院を通過した[Louisiana HCR 74 Amended and Adopted]。