

In allocating funds to the state department of education, House Bill 1 provides, "neither the state board of education nor the department shall expend any amount appropriated under this section for any review or adoption of the next generation science standards as developed by the national science teachers association, the American association for the advancement of science, the national research council, and 'Achieve'" (capitalization as in original). The bill was signed into law on March 5, 2014.

州教育省への予算配分において、HB1は「全米理科教師協会とAAASとnational research councilとAchieveによって作成された次世代理科教育基準のレビューあるいは採択について、州教育委員会と州教育省が支出することを禁じる。」この州法案は2014年3月

The exact requirements of the provision are unclear, the Casper Star-Tribune (March 14, 2014) observes: "Some say the provision, which came through a last-minute footnote, blocks the state from considering any part" of the NGSS. "Others, including the provision's author, say it prevents the wholesale adoption of the standards as they are written." As a result, legal staff at the state board of education, the state department of education, and the legislature are attempting to clarify its meaning.

厳密な法規定は明確ではないが、Casper Star-Tribuneは「土壇場の注記により州政府は次世代理科教育基準のどの部分も検討してはならないと言う者もいる。規定の提案者などは、現状での次世代理科教育基準の採択を禁じると言う」と報じている。結果として、州教育委員会と州教育省と州議会は意味の明確化を試みている。

What is clear, however, is that the NGSS were targeted in part because of their treatment of global climate change (which is one of four sub-ideas in the core idea of Earth and Human Activity at both the middle school and high school level). Matt Teeters (R-District 5), who coauthored the provision, told the Star-Tribune that the NGSS "handle global warming as settled science," adding, "There's all kind of social implications involved in that that I don't think would be good for Wyoming."

しかし、明らかなことは、地球気候変動(中学及び高校のコアアイデア地球と人間活動の4つのサブアイデアの一つ)の扱いを理由として次世代理科教育基準を標的としていることである。この規定の共同提案者である共和党District5のMatt Teeters州議会議員はCasper Star-Tribuneに「次世代理科教育基準は地球温暖化を確定した科学として扱っている。これは私がワイオミング州にとって良くないと考える、あらゆる社会的影響を含んでいる。」と語った。

[Wyoming blocks NGSS over climate(2014/03/14) on NCSE]
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