The Columbian mammoth is on track to become the official state fossil of South Carolina, with no mention of its appearance on the Sixth Day of Creation.この後、サウスカロライナ州上院で再度審議されることになるが、創造6日に賛成した議員が過半数だった両院協議会で、創造6日を削除しているので、このまま着地しそう。
As NCSE previously reported, after the South Carolina House passed House Bill 4482 in February 2014, the Senate amended it to add "as created on the Sixth Day with the other beasts of the field" after each instance of "mammoth."
When the House rejected the Senate's amendment in April 2014, the bill proceeded to a conference committee, whose six members included four legislators who already voted for the "Sixth Day" version of the bill.
Yet the committee prepared a new version of the bill that omits any reference to the Sixth Day of Creation, ...
The amended version of HB 4482 was passed on a 98-0 vote in the House on May 13, 2014; it now presumably returns to the Senate for its approval.
[A mammoth victory in South Carolina?"]