そんなアフリカ西部へ、アウトブレイクが始まった3月から派遣されている、米国CDCのViral Special Pathogens BranchのCraig Manningによれば、現地ではエボラ出血熱についての正しい知識が行き渡っていない。
“I don’t believe in Ebola,” Craig Manning’s local driver told him as he chauffeured the viral emergency specialist through Freetown, Sierra Leone, where infection rates are rising. The man came from a rural part of the country where people were already dying from the virus. He was adamant, like many others in his community, that “there is no such thing as Ebola.”アフリカ西部における、エボラ否定なセンチメントの理由として、政府不信などがあるとの指摘がある。
Craig Manningの現地運転手は、エボラ出血熱の感染者が増大中のシェラレオネのフリータウンを、感染症の専門家であるCraig Manningを乗せて車を走らせていたとき「私はエボラなんて病気があるとは信じてない」と言った。運転手は自分のコミュニティの他の者たち同様に「エボラなんてものは存在しない」と頑なに主張する。
Yet, as the Ebola virus continues to spread in West Africa, so do the rumors. Some say you can contract Ebola from a motorcycle helmet. Others say you can cure the deadly virus by drinking Nescafé mixed with cocoa and sugar − or with two large onions.
It’s Manning’s job to take onions out of the equation.
そんなタマネギは効かないことを人々に知らしめるのが、Craig Manningの仕事だ。
Manning said aggressive intervention is necessary to prevent more people from becoming infected, but ensuring local populations understand Ebola first is essential. For instance, in areas where the virus has spread, relatives wash bodies by hand before funerals, putting families at risk of new infections.
Craig Manningは「アグレッシブな介入が感染防止必要なことだが、地元の人々にエボラを理解してもらうことが不可欠だ。たとえば、感染拡大地域では、遺体埋葬前に親族が遺体を素手で洗うので、親族に感染するリスクがある。」と言う。
[Caelainn Hogan:"'There is no such thing as Ebola'"(2014/07/18) on Washington Post]
Despite Liberian Government’s warning and awareness programs to protect Liberians against the spread of Ebola, most Liberians think the government is using Ebola as a springboard to collect money from government’s coffer and from international donors for personal use. As a result of their doubt about the existence of Ebola, most Liberians do ignore all the measures the Ministry of Health put in place to curb Ebola spread.米国CDCのCraig Manningのような人々の仕事は終わりそうにない。
The existence of Ebola in Liberia continues to be doubted because the measures against the spread of Ebola are not observed due to their inconvenient nature and the virus is not widely spreading as Liberians thought it would have. Family members of the alleged Ebola victim have dismissed the claim, saying their relative did not die of Ebola. Their argument is that all the measures against the spread of Ebola, were not observed, saying the nurses, and all those who came in contact with the deceased including they, family members would have contracted Ebola if their deceased relative had suffered from the virus.
[KAI TOTEH:"Liberians don't believe Ebola exists or is in Liberia-the conspiracy theory on Indight.vom]