

Sadly, this witch-hunt has the blood stained fingerprints of leading American evangelicals. The Fellowship, (aka The Family) one of America's most powerful and secretive fundamentalist organization's, converted Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni to its anti-gay brand of Christianity, which is the "intellectual" impetus behind the anti-gay crackdown. The clandestine organization's leader, Doug Coe, calls Museveni The Fellowship's "key man" in Africa. Jeff Sharlet, author of "The Family", writes of the African strongman's conversion:

悲しいことに、この魔女狩りには、米国の指導的福音主義者たちの血染めの指紋がある。米国で最強かつ秘密主義の原理主義組織のひとつであるThe Fellow Ship(別名The Familiy)は、ウガンダのYoweri Museveni大統領をキリスト教の反ゲイに転向させた。この団体は、反ゲイの背後にある知的運動体である。この秘密団体の指導者であるDoug Coeは、Museveni大統領をアフリカにおけるThe Fellowshipのキーマンと位置づけている。

[Wayne Besen: "American Evangelicals Play Role In Uganda Effort To ‘Wipe Out’ Gays" (2009/10/21) on Falls Church News-Press Online]
レビ記 / 20章 13節
レビ記 / 20章 10節
The Family, of course, recently made headlines because one of its key members, Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) had sex with his best friends wife, while they were working together.

The Familyはもちろん最近、キーメンバーのひとりである共和党ネバダ州選出John Ensign連邦上院議員が共に働く親友の妻とセックスしたことで、報道をにぎわわせた。

[Wayne Besen: "American Evangelicals Play Role In Uganda Effort To ‘Wipe Out’ Gays" (2009/10/21) on Falls Church News-Press Online]

ところで、アンチゲイ政策を進めるウガンダのYoweri Museveniは、国際的圧力にもかかわらず、今回の憲法裁判所によるアンチゲイ法の無効判決に対して、全面対決の姿勢を示している。
President Yoweri Museveni denied last night that the scrapping of a tough anti-gay law he had championed had anything to do with an Africa-US summit this week.

The legislation, which would have seen homosexuals jailed for life, caused an international outcry and was overturned by the country’s constitutional court on Friday.
But Mr Museveni denied Uganda had caved in to international pressure.

“I was going to Washington with the bill when it was stopped. It has nothing to do with us going to Washington,” he said.

And he insisted that the freezing of aid has had no effect on the country. “What has happened to Uganda now? Have you seen any catastrophe? Isn’t the economy growing?”

Yoweri Museveni大統領は自らが擁護する厳格なアンチゲイ法の無効と、今週のアフリカ・米国首脳会談とには関連を否定した。同性愛者を終身刑にする法は国際的非難を浴び、2014/08/01にはウガンダ憲法裁判所が無効判決を下した。しかし、Yoweri Museveni大統領は国際的圧力には屈しないと述べた。

[Museveni denies Uganda forced to drop anti-gay law (2014/08/03) by AFP]
Yoweri Museveni大統領は一歩も引かないようである。最高裁に上告して判決を覆すことを目指すか、議会が定足数参加で可決するか。いずれかの道をとるものと思われる。

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